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                         (Chicas pov)
  I wonder where mangle is,she could be anywhere I care for her more than toy chica I feel bad how me and toy chica locked her in her room and forcing her to marry someone she doesn't like I have to look for her and bring her back and treat her normal and not force marriage she could marry someone she truly loves and live happily ever after then toy chica came in madly
   We tried to get her!!!!!Toy chica yelled madly
   What you mean by tried?!I said 
Well she has a lover and he's a pirate we had gotten her and put her on our ship then this wild pirate took her back and they left together Toy chica said angrily stomping her feet
        I hate mangle you should too Toy chica said
  I don't hate her I care for her a lot more than you!I said she ignored me and walked away I will tell the guards let's go on the ship and get mangle
   Guards!I said
Yes queen chica guards said
Let's go on the ship and get mangle I said
   Ok queen chica guards said
   We gonna get mangle back and say sorry for everything we done to her.
                     (Mangles pov)
  I was snuggling with foxy on the bed
I snuggled to his chest and lay my head on his chest I then shiver I was cold,foxy for sure felt me shiver I then felt foxys hands wrap around me he felt so warm I snuggle more to his chest and began to pet my fur I started to purr I liked being pet
       Enjoying lassie foxy said with a chuckle
    Yes am enjoying plz don't stop I said
Just for little bit more lass foxy said
He began to pet me even more and gave me a kiss on the cheek
   Lass I will be getting up now foxy said getting off
     Ok foxy I said watching him stand up he then knee down next to the bed and grab my hand and gave it a kiss
   I will be back lass rest some more Foxy said
   Ok I will foxy I said falling to sleep
                        (Time speed)
     *yawn*I got off of bed and put on a light blue long dress and put some matching shoes on and left to the living room where balloon boy and Bonnie were sitting down on the couch chatting and Marionette was reading a book also sitting on the couch
     Hi balloon boy,hi Bonnie,and hi Marionette I said going over to them
   Hello mangle Bonnie said giving me a warm smile
     Hi mangle balloon boy said looking at me strangely
    Hi Marionette!I said giving her a hug
Balloon boy didn't stop starting at me strangely
   Mangle what you ate?!Balloon boy said looking at my belly
I didn't ate nothing there's a baby in there I said
     You ate a baby?!?Balloon boy said in shocked
    No I didn't ate a baby I said giggling
   Tell meh Balloon boy said
It's when a girl and boy love each other a lot then a baby is created I said
   Cool Balloon boy said in amazement
Then I started to feel strong kicks
   My baby is Kicking right now I said
  Can I feel?balloon boy and Bonnie also Marionette said
   Sure you can I said the three of them put a hand on my belly and felt kicks
  That's so amazing Bonnie said
So cool balloon boy said
I can tell this little one is gonna be like it's dad a strong kicker Marionette said smiling
   I know right I said gaining her a smile back
     I wish I knew the gender of this little one I said
You can know the gender there's a magical island not that far away there's a friend of mine right there she can tell you Marionette said
   Maybe I will go I said
   To be continue..............should Mangle go there and find out the gender
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