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                       (1 day later)
   We arrived in this island I see a big house with a garden maybe we will check if mangle is there or anywhere around the island
                     (Mangles pov)
    I started to wake up then I tried to stand up but I couldn't just great!I fell back to the bed am not even that heavy am so weak I wish foxy was here to help me up then I heard footsteps coming closer to the room the door open revealing foxy yes he can help me
      Foxy dear can you help me off of bed I said
    Sure lassie foxy said helping me up until I got on my feet
  Thank you foxy I said
Your welcome my lassie foxy said smiling at me 
   Let's go get breakfast mangle Foxy said
   Ok foxy I said we left the room leaving to the dining room
  Hi foxy hi mangle!Marionette said flipping some pancakes
    Hello Marionette I said
Hi Marionette Foxy said
Mangle how you been feeling?marionette said
   I been feeling little bit weak but am fine I feel great I said
   That's great to hear mangle Marionette said coming over with a plate of pancakes and set them on the table 
           Breakfast time!!marionette called out
                    (Time skip)
     Me and foxy walked outside to explore it's very beautiful outside you can hear the waves crashing on land and seagulls and the air blowing gently
     We then lay on our back and hug each other tight looking at the beautiful sky he's golden eyes then look at mine eyes he brought me closer to his chest there was a little bit more space between because of my bump he then kissed my lips I kissed back then we heard a sound we stopped and stood up
    Foxy what was that?I said
I don't lass stay behind me in case it's something bad Foxy said I then went behind him and we started walking where the noise came from we then spotted a ship it's looks so familiar......wait that's the castle boat from the kingdom they came back for me!!
   Foxy it's the kingdom ship!I said
Aye it is lassie stay behind me I will see what they want foxy said then I saw the guards getting of the ship with chica I thought it was toy chica,chica then saw me and walk towards us
   Why hello mangle chica said
  Hi chica I said hiding behind foxy more
    What you want from her!?Foxy said in a mad tone
We want her back she has to go back to the kingdom Chica said
She's not leaving she's staying she will not marry someone she doesn't love foxy said
    She will not get force marry anymore chica said
  Wait so chica is not gonna force me to marry someone I don't love what a relief😅I then felt foxys behind
   Is that true?I said
Yes mangle it's true and also whoever you love is gonna get marry with you and come to the kingdom you will be king and queen Chica said
The one I love is foxy he's here I said
Chica then looks at foxy and back at me
  This pirate...well if you love him that much I will let you marry him chica said I have to let her know that am pregnant with foxys little ones
   Chica I have something to tell you I said
  What would that be mangle?Chica said
  Am pregnant with foxys little ones I said chicas eyes went wide then she smile
  So your having more than one?chica said
   Am having twins one girl and another a boy I said
  Congratulations mangle and foxy that's great!Chica said happily
   Now we should go chica said then I just remembered about foxys crew and Marionette we can't just leave them here well Marionette lives here good but still she's like my best friend I must ask chica if they can come too
  Chica can foxys crew and also one of my friend come too?I said
Sure they can chica said 
      To be continue....plz vote and comment if



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