Chapter 2

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There is no denying it, Viktor Nikiforov is the love of my life. When we first met, I constantly felt like I wasn't good enough for him. He is better than me in every way, but somehow he completes me. As talented, generous, and hot as Viktor is, he will never fail at reassuring me that we are equals, in every single way. All of my life I was self conscious about may skating and my appearance, but I stopped worrying about that the day, and night, of our wedding.

Walking down the isle with my mother by my side, I could see Viktor's heart shaped smile beaming towards me like a thousand diamonds. Looking down at my shoes, I felt a light pink flush over my face as I adjusted the jacket of my completely white tuxedo. Realizing we were already at the alter, my eyes flash up at the incredible man standing in front of me. Overwhelmed with happiness, tears started to flow from my eyes. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and give my full attention to the priest beside us, but I keep my eyes locked on Viktor. All that was running through my head was 'I love this man, and he loves me and thats all that matters', but the thoughts of my beloved were interrupted by the priest once more.

"I understand that you've prepared you're own vows?", he asks, obtaining our full attention. I look back at Viktor as he pulls a piece of folded paper from his handkerchief pocket. He clears his throat before reconnecting with my eyes, lovingly.

"Yuuri, my soulmate, my lover, and my best friend. What else is there to describe such a perfect human like you? Well, now I can officially call you my husband, and I think that's pretty great. For as long as I could remember, I would try my hardest to learn more about you and the wonderful person that you are. Over the past 14 years, i've been given the blessing to learn about the real Yuuri Katsuki, well, now Yuuri Nikiforov. Ive been given the opportunity to learn about all of the things you love, hate, what you aspire to be, what gives you your passion and especially your flaws. Now, everyone has flaws, and know that in my eyes, your flaws are non-existent. When I look at you, I dont see what everyone else sees. I dont see the past you, nor the person that you see yourself as. I look past the anxiety and the depression and the self confidence problems, and I just see Yuuri. A man that I've fallen in love with for the passion in his eyes, a beautiful smile, an honest heart, and especially his beautiful soul. Yuri, i promise to you that I will forever stay by your side. As your soulmate, I take the responsibility to love and protect you until the day we die. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to be spending the rest of my life with you."

Finishing his speech, I heard scattered sniffles and sobs from around the hall, and especially saw tears falling from his glowing, ocean blue eyes. Continuing to look deeply in his eyes, I smile through our tears as I pull out the small piece of paper in my pocket. Carefully unfolding it, I take a deep breath and read the words I've been wanting to say since we got engaged in Barcelona.

"Viktor, where do I begin to describe how you make me feel? We went from notes on our arms, to messages through social media and skating competitions, and finally, I'm standing with you on this altar, explaining my feelings for you, in which you've already heard thousands of times. Viktor, I love you so much and I want to thank you for the best 14 years of my life, and counting. I was lost until I found the true meaning of love, until I found you. You were able to teach me things on and off the ice and I continue to be thank fun for it every day. Agape, unconditional love, is what I feel for you. So with that, I promise to stay supportive by your side everyday. It had never mattered to me that you were The Viktor Nikiforov, the most handsome and famous bachelor in the figure skating world, because I knew what made you human. You entrusted me with your secrets and your fears and I was finally able to learn how to love again. Viktor, I love you so much and I'm ready to spend everyday of the rest of my life with you."

Placing the note back into my pocket, I look up at the beautiful man staring back at me. Continuing with the ceremony, he grabs my and and we look at the priest. Axel, Lutz and Loop walk up to the altar holding our rings on a small white pillow. Picking up the rings, Viktor and I look back at the priest as he say the finishing statements.

"Do you, Viktor Nikiforov, take Yuri Katsuki as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," Viktor whispers as he slips the wedding ring onto my finger, smiling.

"And do you, Yuri Katsuki, take Viktor Nikiforov as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," I say loudly, sliding the ring on to his finger, practically beaming with joy.

"And with the power invested in me, from the Providence of Kyushu, Hatsetsu, I pronounce these two men, Mr. and Mr. Nikiforov. You may kiss the groom," the priest announces to the entire room. I'm grabbed by my waist and pulled into a passionate kiss by my husband. Smiling into the kiss, I'm carried out of the room bridal style, and then placed into a limousine, taking us to our hotel.

~le time skip cause I'm too lazy to write about them getting out of the limo and checking into their hotel room... btw here comes the shmexy smut hehe~

Pushing me on to the bed, I'm straddled by Viktor as he attacks my neck with kisses. In no time, he's able to find my sweet spot under my jawline and I moan softly into his ear. I can feel him smiling into my neck as he travels his lips down my body, unbuttoning my shirt in the process. Leaving love marks down my chest, he quickly undoes my pants, revealing the tight boxers underneath.

"Someone's excited," he coos seductively. I feel my face turn hot as he removes my boxers, throwing them across the room. Before I knew it, Viktor licks up my member slowly, causing me to tremble in overwhelming lust. Playing with my tip with his tongue, I feel myself wanting more, releasing scattered pants and moans.

"Viktor quit teasing me!" I moan, pulling him on top of me. Kissing him passionately, I reach for his pants, removing them as fast as I can. Flipping us over, me now straddling Viktor, our bare members touch causing a moan to slip from his pink lips. I feel the tension between us start to grow, so I slid down his legs and take his member fully into my mouth. Surprising Viktor, he growls in approval as I continue to bob my head wrapping my tongue around his tip.

"Y-yuuri.. I-i'm close..." he whimpers. "...but I'm not letting you win," He laughs, flipping us once more, with him now on top of me.

"V-vicchan," I moan while he sucks on my member, while preparing me at my entrance. Slowly, he inserts one finger after another, stretching me to my limits. Now, this isn't the first time we've done it, but prep still hurts sometimes. Adding a fourth finger into my entrance, I finally get a breath to whisper out to him.

"Daddy I need you in me, please!" I beg him, and with that he thrusts harshly into me, but all I feel is pleasure at this point. My moans increase in their volume as Viktor's throbbing dick pokes at my prostate. Even though his thrusts are constantly increasing in speed, they become sloppy and I can tell that he's close to his climax.

"Mmmh Daddy, I'm so close!" I scream, not caring about the other people in the hotel.

"I know baby, me too," Viktor says, leaning over me and planting kisses on my neck. He then flips us over, so I can ride him. Bouncing on his dick causes me to release all over us. In doing this, my ass begins to clench, tightening over his member, but I keep going. I bounce harder and faster until I feel Viktor fill my to the brim. Releasing, he moans so loud that it echoes against the walls of the room. With this, I dismount and lay besides him. Grabbing my hand, Viktor turns over and nibbles on my ear.

"Wow, that was amazing, my love. I can't wait for Fiji," he whispers seductively into my ear. My whole body shivers from his warm breath making contact with my neck. I nod my head, roll over, and plant a kiss on his throbbing lips.

"I love you, Viktor," I say, placing my head on his bare chest. I can feel his heart beat. Its beating as fast as mine, wow.

"I love you more, Yuuri. I'm so glad that you're mine, forever," he says, playing with my dark hair. I smile and snuggle into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. As our heart rates slow down, we finally fall asleep, encased in each others arms. 

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