Chapter 3

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Cold, dark and empty. Waking up to an empty bed, my heart dropped to the realization that Viktor was not besides me. Shuffling out of our bed, I make my way to the kitchen, finding Victor on the couch with a cup of coffee, and Makkachin on his lap. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"Good morning Yuuri, sleep well?" He said groggily. Nodding slightly, I made my way over to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Listening to the mechanical sounds of the Keurig, I hear the jingle of Makka's collar come towards me. He plops is body down, staring up at me.

"Vitya, did you walk Makka?" I yell to the living room. Not getting a reply, I grow concerned and quickly make my way to him. Dropping my cup of coffee on the floor, I run to the couch to attempt to wake up the unconscious man before. "Viktor, baby please wake up!" I scream, while vigorously shaking him. Releasing him, I run and grab my cell, immediately dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My husband fainted and is still unconscious, please send an ambulance immediately!"

"I'm sending one to your location now, hold tight."

"Thank you, so much!" I say, hanging up the phone. I run to unlock the front door, and then frantically sit next to Viktor, taking him in my arms, rocking the both of us back and forth. With tears flowing from my eyes, I whisper to him, "everything's going to be okay, I love you, please be okay," on repeat. This ceased when the door was pushed open by the paramedics holding a gurney. I allow them to rip Viktor from my grasp and carry him to the ambulance vehicle. Running into the van, I grab Viktor's hand grasping it tightly. More tears start to flow and I don't know what to do with myself. The blaring of the sirens make my ears ring and my tears cause my vision to be blurry. Watching the man I love lifeless on this stretcher makes my heart bleed for him more than it already has.

Arriving at the hospital, Viktor is ripped from me once more, as he's taken into an operation room. I try running after him, but I'm held back by two nurses.

"Let go of me! Viktor, wait!" I scream while being pushed out of the hallway and into a chair in the waiting room.

"Sir, please calm down, you can't go back there," the nurse says to me calmly. I shake off her words and just yell back at her.

"Shut up Nurse! You wouldn't understand, that's my soulmate! I need him! I love him, I have to make sure he's always okay," I say screaming at the top of my lungs through my billowing sobs.

"Sir, you'll be able to see him once I get the approval from a doctor. Please wait here." She say with a reassuring smile.

"F-fine," I sob. Sinking into the chair, I nuzzle my head into the hood of my sweatshirt and attempt to fall asleep, but it's deemed useless. Thoughts of anything and everything that could possibly go wrong are brought to my attention. What is he dies? What if he has cancer or some disease that's incurable by modern medicine? What will I do if he dies? I'll never love again. I could never be happy again. I've spent 16 years of my life loving him more and more each day. I will never find anyone who is more perfect for me than Viktor. He completes me. Sobbing harder, I pull my knees to my chest in an attempt to muffle them. My breathing becomes heavier and faster, my heart races' and I start to sob and sweat profusely. I'm having a panic attack. Standing up, I walk over to the information desk and beg for someone to help me. I try my hardest to explain what's happening, but words aren't forming through my sobs, they're just getting louder and more frantic.

"Please someone help me!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm then pushed back down into a chair and given an asthma pump. I inhale on the device and feel the cool medicine hit the back of my throat. It helps my breathing, but has no affect on the dark thoughts that corrode my mind. "Please, I need to see my husband!" Standing up, and screaming at the woman behind the desk.

"Sir, were doing everything we can, he's in stable condition, but we have bad news. You might want to sit down for this." Taking a deep breath, I sit back down in the chair and the nurse comes outside of her desk with a clipboard. Walking up to me, I watch her frantically flip through papers with a regretful look on her face. "Your husband had a brain aneurysm. It's what cause him to faint and he's currently in a coma. You're very lucky that you found him, and called an ambulance immediately. It's made a great difference for the better in his survival." I slouch in my chair.

"A brain aneurysm? How and why could that happen?" I say out loud, accidentally.

"When he was a teenager, he had a cancerous tumor removed from his frontal lobe." She says dimly. He had... cancer? Why did he never tell me? We're soulmates, how could he leave a huge detail like that out? I'm so confused on what's happening. I need to talk to him.

"Can I see him?" I practically beg at the young woman.

"Yes, he just finished his examination, but he's still in a coma. He's in room 336."

"Thank you!" I say, hugging the nurse. I run to the elevator and take it to floor 3. When the doors open, the smell of lemon and sterilization fill my nose. Exiting the elevator, I run to 336. His name is on a plate outside of the closed door. With hesitation, I twist the knob and push slightly, walking into the room. Inside the dimly lit room was a hospital bed that contained the one thing I love most in this life, unconscious. I sit in a seat next to the hospital bed and grab his hand. The IV sticking in his arm is constantly sending the medicine he needs to is body, and the air tubes down his throats keep his heart beating. I can hear his heart beat. Taking off my jacket, I notice a small bleeding dot on my left forearm. It's from Viktor's IV. It pierced his skin, as well as mine. I sit down on the side of the bed, grasping his cold hand once more. Brining his hands to my face, I kiss his knuckles and sigh. "I love you so much, please wake up soon," I say pushing the hair out of his eyes. Playing with his hair, I feel a scar on the front of his head under his bangs. Gasping and quickly standing up, I reach for the same place on my own head. And to no avail, I have the same scar. "Oh, Viktor," I whisper sliding into the chair, slowly falling asleep.
HEYO! Sorry I took so long to update! I'm just super busy with music and school and stuff, but I promise I'll be more frequent. I'm also sorry for being an evil author, but I promise it will get better! Please remember to comment, vote and share! THANK YOU!! (1,204 words)

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