chapter 2

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"You guys don't have to answer me right now. I'll give you time to think just make sure you tell me before Thursday". When she finished she got up and walked back to the popular table.

"What the hell was that?" ____ asked surprised.

"I have no clue. Maybe they just want to hang out with us" Tommy said

"Do you really think that?" ____ answered back with sarcasm "Out of nowhere? They just ask us to be their 'new BFF's.' I don't think we should, they are probably just trying to use us or something like that."

"True... "Tommy said.

After the bell rang ____ headed towards her locker to get ready for 3rd block. She got her note books and pencils. She checked her schedule. Next was Art class. She already knew where that was.She still had about 10 minutes so she leaned against her locker for a while. A thought of Mr. Graham lingered her mind she wondered what subject he thought.

"How is the first day going so far?" She heard Mr. Graham ask.

____ turned to her right quickly to see her teacher standing right in front of her with a clipboard in his hand.

"It's been good so far. Thank you"

"That's good .Oh,it looks like you will be in my class for 4th block. I teach choir in room 100" Mr. Graham said as studied the papers on his clipboard.

"yey ?" ____ said

Mr. Graham smiled as ____ said bye and walked away. ____ walked towards the art room slowly. She was exited she had Mr. Graham for 4th block but she wasn't too exited about the subject. She hadn't singed up for choir for a reason. She made it to the art room and was the first the first student. She sat down on one of the many stools placed at 5 different polished tables. The teacher was sitting at his desk in the corner of the room. He was a young slender man with blond hair. A few minutes latter the classroom filled with students. It seemed like there were only 15 people in the class there were three sitting on the table in front of ____ and two at all the other ones. ____ was alone at hers. As she glanced around for familiar faces she saw Tommy at the door.

"I'm Mr. Emott. Your first project is a self portrait. The paper is over there by the window. It is due in two weeks."

____ spend the rest of the class doodling butterflies and talking with Tommy. The teacher wasn't talkative at all and for an art class, this room was kind of dull looking.

When the bell rang Tommy and ____ were the first ones out. She was exited for next block because it meant a whole hour and half with Mr. Graham. She found her way to room 100.When she walked in she thought It was an amazing class room. It was the coolest school classroom she had ever seen. The walls were covered with rock and roll posters and song lyrics. There were no desks in there, only chairs. Mabel took at seat in the front row. She wouldn't mind being upfront in this class. She spend about 10 minutes exploring the room and looking at all the decoration.

When she sat back down she noticed almost every chair was filled up. There were more girls than guys.

Mr. Graham walked in and to the front of the class "Hello guys I'm Mr. Graham and I will be your choir teacher this year, it's nice to meet you all."

____ heard some girls in the back giggling and saying how cute the teacher was. Maybe she wasn't the only one who found Mr. Graham attractive.

"Here is what we'll do first. I'll pas out some lyrics to a few songs and we'll sing them together. This will get us used to sing as a group"

Mr. Graham passed out the lyrics to three different songs. ____ glanced at them the first one was "Marry the night" by Lady Gaga, the second one "part of me" by Katy Perry and the third one "black or white" by Michael Jackson.

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