Chapter 3

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The next morning ____ walked inside her homeroom grabbing Tommy by the hand. She saw Mr.Graham setting at his desk rummaging through some papers. She put her binders at the same desk she had sat on the day before. She grabbed Tommy’s hand again and pulled him towards Mr. Graham's desk.

“Hello”  Mr. Graham said with a smile when he saw ____ approaching his desk.

“Good morning Mr. Graham.”  _____ replied politely. Tommy just stood there looking annoyed. “Mr.Graham I would like to talk about yesterday after school” ____ said.

“Sure, is there something wrong?” Mr.Graham said with concern in his eyes.

“No Mr.Graham, it’s just that my friend here doesn’t believe you were the one at the store. I don’t blame him but we got into a little discussion about it” ____ said.

“ Ohh, well…. Indeed that was me” Mr. Graham said looking at Tommy in the eyes.

“But how ?” Tommy asked

“Well I dress and act different out side the school just like you do. I also noticed your black eye liner” Mr. Graham Replied with a smirk.

“yeah I guess that makes sense…” Tommy said with a shy smile “I’m sorry ____. I have to go, I don’t want to bee late for class, see yah later" 

“Bye Tommy” ____ said as she waved at Tommy.

The short twenty minute homeroom period went by in a flash. It went by a little too fast for ____’s  like. Now she wouldn’t be able to see  Mr. Graham until the last class of the day. When the bell rang everybody rushed out the classroom.____ Followed behind Charlotte.

“ Hi ____, do you want to sit with us today at lunch ??”Charlotte asked.

“I-I don’t know Charlotte I promised Tommy I would-“

“Ohh Tommy can come too” Charlotte said and smiled.

“Thanks Charlotte, but I can't tell you until I let Tommy know" _____ said with a fake friendly smile.

“ Ohh that’s okay ____. Tell him and we will be waiting for you at our table” Charlotte stated and walked away.

____ whent to her locker and then proceeded on to her 1st block class at a slower pace than the rest of the kids in the hallways. She sat in the same desk in this class too and so did Tommy. The boring teacher  came into the classroom and shut the door behind her as the bell rang.

“ get back with your partner,  the same one as you had yesterday. I’m going to pass out your pre-tests so you can see how you did. Most of you did pretty good for just coming into the class “Mrs Stoica said.

____ wasn’t so happy about being partners with Tommy this time. It felt awkward. ____ started to scoot her desk closer to Tommy’s .

“Hey” ____ said to Tommy when she sat down.


“Charlotte was wondering….”

“Yeah ?” Tommy asked

“She wants us to sit with them at lunch” ____  burst out.

“Ohh… ok … Why does she keep asking that? What do they want from us?” Tommy said.

“ I don’t know but I still don’t trust them” ____  said looking over at were Charlotte was sitting.

“yeah me neither. I don’t think we should go” Tommy replied.

The room got silent except for the teacher boring voice reading off the answers ._____ couldn’t focus on what she was saying. She just kept wondering why Charlotte had asked them the same question again. After the teacher was finally  done reading the answers she went back to her messy desk to look over her lesson plans. People in the class began to chat silently among each other but ____ stayed quiet.

Second Block went  slower than first block. She couldn’t  wait to get home .Thoughts of the whole school year being like this rumbled through ____’s mind. The bell rang. It was time for lunch.

____ went quickly to her locker to drop off her things. She saw Mr.Graham standing outside his classroom. The amusing teacher still looked gorgeous like he did yesterday.

“_____?” Mr. Graham said

The sound of his voice echoed in ____'s head. it was so charming.

“Yeah ?”____ asked back.

“Remember about that little ‘job’ I gave you yesterday ?” Mr.Graham said.

“Yeah ….” ____ said

“Well the office has informed me that the new student will be arriving today, Would you mind eating lunch at the office and wait until they come?”.

“ I don’t know Mr. Graham, you’ll see my friend Tommy-“

“Ohh that’s okay ____”  Mr.Graham  said  "he can come  too, after all we are not for sure that if it’s a guy or a girl” 

“ Great! Thanks Mr.Graham" ____ said as she started to walk towards the cafeteria to get her food and Tommy. She spotted Tommy in line and she began to walk towards him.

“Hi ____” Tommy said waving at her

“Hey Tommy, do you want to come eat lunch at the office with me?” ____ said with a grin. She couldn’t wait to see Tommy’s reaction.

“WHAT ?! No! wait …. WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?! IT’S ONLY THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL  _____!” Tommy said with anger.

“HAHAHA” ____ Began to laugh until she was on the floor.

“ THIS ISN’T FUNNY ____!” Tommy yelled more angry than before.

“You are so stupid Tommy”  ____ said still laughing a little.

“Excuse me?” Tommy said.

“I’m going to stay there because the new student is arriving today and I have to wait for them there and I was wondering if you wanted to come too” ____ said.

“Ohh….  I HATE YOU!” Tommy shouted at ___ “You made me do a scene in front of everyone!” Tommy said

“Ohh please nobody noticed you"  ____ said with a grin.

“Fine get your food and lets go” Tommy said pretending to be mad.


When ____ and Tommy arrived at the office they spotted Mr.Graham talking to an other teacher. They sat down and began to eat and talk. After 20 minutes of waiting she saw a tall guy with blond ginger hair, blue eyes and freckly arms walk in the office.He wore normal jeans and a striped shirt. ____ and Tommy laughed a little,he looked like the perfect geek.

“Hello, I’m Mr. Graham I will be your new Homeroom teacher” Mr. Graham said kindly to the new kid.

“I want you to meet _____ and Tommy, They will help in anything you need around the school, _____ is also in your homeroom class, Tommy would be with you in some of your classes” Mr. Graham stated as he waved at ____ And Tommy to come over.

“Hi, I’m  ____”

“Sup my name is Tommy” Tommy said acting gangster like.

“Tommy stop you are scaring the kid,” ____ said looking over at Tommy and laughing. "Ignore him, he can be annoying but he is really nice one you get to know him” ____ said Smiling at the new student.


Wow , _____ and Tommy…. They look a lot alike, I mean they are basically wearing the same thing. I wonder if they are a couple. They look real cute together. I really like their style. It’s just how I want to dress. Black eye liner, skinny jeans, leather, glitter…..

“ I hope so” I answered back smiling shyly.

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