Dean Is a Selective Romantic

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Hello my poptarts. I started a different oneshot but it's taking too long to finish so I thought I'd write this one and publish first.

Human!Dean / Human!Cas

In which Dean is in love with his brother's boyfriend.

(3rd person POV)

Dean Winchester does not like romance, unless it's with Castiel Novak.

Which sucks because Cas is dating his brother. (Ew no I dont ship sastiel but its for the sake of the plot.)

Dean isn't the type of guy to sit there and wallow about his feelings, but ice cream and pity parties with Charlie sounded damn good right now.

He was dragged to a dinner party, or whatever the hell this was, for Sam's work. AKA basically pinning for Cas over inedible green mush.

And he's wearing a tie, a freaking tie.

He sits there and watches as Cas laughs at something Sam says, and dies a little bit inside.

Dean didn't feel this way about his two year relationship with Lisa.

He didn't even buy her flowers. But for Cas, he'd get a whole garden.

And Cas is standing there, his stupid blue tie on backwards. Dean just wants to jump out of his chair and swoop Cas off his feet.

But he can't do that because Sam just linked their fingers and Dean dies a little bit more inside.


"Hello Dean."

Dean plasters on his best 'everything is fine' smile as he turns around.

"Hey Cas."

Cas gives him a closed mouth smile and Dean can't help getting lost in his eyes.

God that was cheesy as fuck.

"Are you bored out of your mind?"

"What? Pfff, no."


"Alright, shoot me in the foot it'd be less painful than listening to snooty lawyers blab about stuff I couldn't give two shits about." 

"Aha there's the Dean we know and love," Cas says sarcastically.

"If it's any consolation I love you too," Dean thinks to himself.

Cas pats Dean's shoulder and leans in to whisper in his ear.

"If you behave I'll get you a cheeseburger later."

And damn, if that wasn't one of the sexiest things Dean's ever heard.


Cas did get him a cheeseburger, and it was awesome.

The next day Dean called Sam and told him they needed to talk.

Well, more like Dean's gonna say something he'll regret and pray Sam's knee does not make contact with his crotch.

By the time Sam arrived at Dean's studio apartment, Dean has practically chewed off a fingernail.

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