Remus Lupin: how you met

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It was dinner time at Hogwarts, you made your way down the corridor

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It was dinner time at Hogwarts, you made your way down the corridor. Your hands were full with books since you'd just come from the library and taken every book you could find that would help you pass your history of magic class.

Before you knew it you had been sent to the ground, books falling all over the place while you sat dazed and confused.

When you looked up you saw 3 boys leggin it down the corridor.
None of them stopped to help you, they just turned back shouted "sorry" but kept going.

You sighed and rubbed at your elbow, you'd hit it against the hard floor and now it was sore. You looked at the sprawl of books on the floor and sighed once again.

"Idiot." You mumbled to yourself.
"Couldn't agree with you more!" A voice said from behind you, making you jump slightly.

"Here let me help you," a boy said bending over and picking up the books. "Sorry about them, they don't have very good manners." The boy laughed slightly as he apologised for his friends.

"Yeah- that's pretty obvious." You said sourly. "What's your name?" The boy asked as the two of you finished picking up the many books you had with you.
"Y/N." You said. "I'm Remus Lupin, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He smiled at you- in fact you're pretty sure he hadn't stopped smiling.

"Well thanks for your help Remus," you said as you took the books out of his hands and added them to your pile. "I'll see you around." You said as you turned to continue walking down the corridor.

"W-wait!" Remus said coming after you. "Let me help you with those," he gestured to your heavy pile of books.
"Oh no it's fine, you've helped me enough!" But remus just lifted the majority of the books out of your arms.

"It's the least I can do since my friends knocked you flying!" He said. You smiled before letting him help you. Gosh he was so cute.


I think I'll re write the one soon

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