Remus Lupin: Blood Status 3

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It was the day after your close encounter with the Gryffindor boy, you made sure to stay clear of him and his friends for the entire day

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It was the day after your close encounter with the Gryffindor boy, you made sure to stay clear of him and his friends for the entire day. It was now dinner time, this was your favourite time of day because it meant that all of the students would be busy munching away while you had the whole library to yourself.

You ducked into the library to grab a few books you weren't supposed to have, nothing bad like DIY Horocrux or anything, just some advanced spells that you were interested in.

As you walked out of the library, shutting the door as quiet as humanly possible, you turned around to come face to face with someone. "Hello," the person in front of you said, you instantly brought your hand up and hit them in the face, while letting out a scream.

"Bloody hell!" The boy said as he put his hands up to his nose.
"I know Prongs hasn't got the prettiest of faces, but he's not that scary looking!" Sirius laughed out. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" You said as you put your hand to your chest in an attempt to calm your erratic heart beat.

"What are we doing? What are you doing?" Peter said taking notice in the books in your hand. "Stealing books from the restricted section!" James said as he shook his head pretending to be shocked. "Guess your little miss perfect prefect after all." Sirius added with a smirk.

"Bog off," you spat at the boys, you went to push past them but they all linked shoulders, creating a small barricade. "What's the meaning of this?" You said loudly, they were starting to annoy you.

"We won't tell anyone that you've nicked these restricted books if you do us a favour," James said making you frown. "If you did tell anyone, you'd be admitting to skipping dinner, which isn't allowed." You said smugly. "We've done worse," Peter shrugged.

"Fine." You said as you crossed your arms. "What favour?" The boys all smiled.
"We want to go out tonight and we need Moony to come with us." You frowned at Sirius. "Who the hell is moony?" You asked, you weren't familiar with the nicknames they'd all given eachother.

"Your little love bug," James said with a chuckle. "Remus," you felt your blood boil at the sound of his name. "And I'm supposed to care why?" You asked bitterly.
"There's a prefects meeting tonight so moony can't come unless you tell them all that he's sick." You snorted at the boys stood in front of you.

"You must be delusional," you spat. "I would rather have detention for a month than help that snivelling little toe rag." You said before pushing through the wall of Marauders in front of you.


The day slowly came to an end, you remained in your room until it was time for your prefects meeting. You quickly left your room and made your way over to the empty class room that was used for the meetings.

The one good thing about tonight's meeting was that remus wouldn't be here to bother you, since he was ditching to go off with his friends to chase some skirt.

You opened the door and saw a number of prefects sat around he large table, a few Hufflepuffs, a lot of of ravenclaw, the other slytherins and Remus? You frowned when you saw him, he wasn't supposed to be here?

You sat as far away from remus as possible, the two of you ignored each others presence through out the entire thing. "Alright last order of business," the oldest Gryffindor prefect spoke up.

"There has been word of a party being planned this Friday, we don't know who's house will be hosting it but clearly we can't let it go on." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Which is why we will have two prefects from each house on guard during the night," he began to read the names out, Ravenclaw first, followed by Hufflepuff and then slytherin.

You smiled when you weren't call to keep watch for slytherin.
"Gryffindors on watch will be Remus Lupin," remus rolled his eyes, he would much rather attend the party than stop it. "And since the other Gryffindor prefects aren't feeling too well after being hexed yesterday, Y/N will be lending a hand." You frowned.

"I will not." You said abruptly. "Why not?" Asked the prefect. "Because-" all eyes were on you and you couldn't think up a clever enough excuse so you just sighed and pouted.
Remus looked over at you before looking away, how did he feel about this?

"Well since that's all cleared up, meeting dismissed," he said loudly before everyone stood from their seats and scurried back to their dorms. You sighed as you walked out of the room, stopping when you were outside.

"Good luck with that one mate," you heard one of the boys say. "Yeah, she's a real piece of work!" Another added, you heard Remus laugh quietly as if he wasn't really listening to the two students talking to him.
You hated a lot of the people in the school, everyone seemed to dislike you because of your blood status and house but you didn't care, they could call you names and say horrid things behind your back, you didn't care anymore.

Remus and the two other boys which you discovered to be from ravenclaw, walked out of the class room, freezing when they saw you stood there. "Listen to blundering idiots, I may be a piece of work but that just means you're not man enough to handle me, so either grow a pair or zip it." You said confidently before turning around to walk away.

The two ravenclaw students were stood in silence where as Remus was smirking at your retreating figure. He didn't know it yet but he liked the fact you could stand up for yourself.


This chapter sucked dick but next one will be good!

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