Sirius Black: Marauders Map

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You looked up at the clock and slowly realised that you were late for Herbology so you grabbed whatever you could, a quill, some parchment and was out of the door in seconds

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You looked up at the clock and slowly realised that you were late for Herbology so you grabbed whatever you could, a quill, some parchment and was out of the door in seconds.

It wasn't until lunch time did you realise you were in possession of a folded piece of parchment. When you tried to open it you were met with ink dribbling down the page, forming words.

You decided that you'd get it confiscated if you weren't careful so you waited until bed time to try and open it again.

"Messrs Prongs would like to tell Miss L/N that no matter how hard she tries, she will not be able to get the Marauders Map to work."

You frowned before you pressed your want to the piece of parchment once again. "Messrs Moony would like to inquire if this is Y/F/N?"

"Messrs Wormtail would like to ask Messrs Padfoot why he is so quiet?"
"Is it because Messrs Padfoot is bad at performing under pressur" Prongs' words stayed on the page until someone else spoke.

"Messrs Padfoot would like to inform Messrs Prongs that I am a natural at performing for pretty girls and have had zero complaints!" You were totally entranced by this magical piece of paper that was having a conversation with itself.

"That's not what Messrs Moony has heard," you giggled. "Messrs Moony is a blatant liar, I am a natural born love making machine," Padfoot wrote.
"Next joke," came Wormtails reply.

"Messrs Padfoot would like to ask Miss L/N what her personal opinion is of a Mr Sirius Black?" You frowned.
"Oh this is going to be good," said prongs.

"Messrs Wormtail would like to ask Messrs Padfoot if he is doing okay?"
"Messrs Padfoot is not doing okay," came his response. 

"Messrs Moony believes Y/N should quickly put the map down before she regrets it," you smirked, there was no chance of that happening anytime soon.

"Messrs Prongs would like to tell Y/N not to put the map down as he is loving this," you couldn't help but smile at the words appearing on the paper.

"Messrs Padfoot would like to tell Messrs Prongs to go-fuck-himself and ask Y/N to answer my previous question on her feelings for this Sirius lad,"

"Messrs Moony would like to tell Messrs Padfoot to watch his language as there is a lady present," you giggled at that bit.

"Messrs Prongs is having the time of his life," you were getting rather curious of who these boys were.

"Messrs Padfoot would like to tell Messrs Prongs to shut up! And that Y/N is my lady so if I see fit to swear around her I shall,"

"Messrs Moony would like to apologise to Y/N as this must be the weirdest experience of her life,"

"Messrs Padfoot would also like to tell Y/N that Sirius seems like a very handsome, well mannered young man who is very well endowed if she gets what I'm saying,"

"Messrs Wormtail would like to rip his own eyes out after that last comment," you had to hold your breath so you wouldn't laugh and wake anyone.

"Messrs Moony is begging Y/N to put the parchment down!!"

"Messrs Prongs is going to tell Y/N that that is absolute rubbish about Sirius Black and that it is a little bit of a disappointment once you see it."

"Messrs Padfoot will flop it out and prove it!!"

"Messrs Wormtail had ripped his eyes out and suggests everyone else takes his lead and saves themselves the horror,"

"Messrs Padfoot is suggesting that Y/N accepts Sirius blacks offer to go out some time as he is a charming young man and a sensual lover,"

"Messrs Moony is out!"

On that note you decided to close the parchment and turn in for some sleep before the sun began to rise.

The next day remus woke up to find a note had been slid under their bedroom door. It was addressed to "the marauders,"

"Messrs L/N would like to make a few suggestions to Messrs Padfoot, Messrs Moony, Messrs Prongs and Messrs Wormtail,"

"The first being that if these are their secret code names then they shouldn't go calling each other them around the school for the other students to hear,"

"Secondly that if they make a- well whatever that parchment was, they should be more responsile and not go leave it laying around for anyone to take,"

"Thirdly, this one is directed to Messrs Padfoot, you need to learn to be a bit more discreet when trying to hook flirt with girls,"

"Y/N found the map?" Peter yawned groggy, "and she figured out it was us," James said with a smirk as he looked over at Sirius who seemed like he'd just had a very rude wake up call as you were now aware that he had a crush on you.


Was this any good?
I just kind of felt like writing it!

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