Peter Pettigrew: Seven Deadly Sins 5

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How did you come to fall for Peter? Well it was actually a rather mundane story, you'd met him in potions class, you were in different houses but you shared the lesson with him.

It was obvious that Peter did not always think for himself, he could sometimes be perceived as a shadow that followed Sirius, Remus and James as if he would lose his breath without them.

But you saw him as something different, you saw the boy he was, the man he grew to be.... Sadly it was not what you had hoped for.

When James and Lily went into hiding you were one of the few people that helped them, you delivered food to the house when they were running low and often brought new gifts for Harry.

You remembered how much Peter worshipped the Marauders, remembered how much he envied them, their lives, their powers, everything.

When Remus burst into your room that night, the look of pain and fear tearing through his face worse than the claw marks he wore.

"They're dead-" was all he managed to choke out in a sorrowful sob. You felt your knees give in, how could he- Voldemort have found them?

You arrived at the cottage straight away, Sirius was already there holding baby Harry in his arms as he cried for his mother.

A mother he would never have. It wasn't long after the deaths of James and Lily Potter when Peter Pettigrew, the man who had held you when you wept over the death of your friends, chased Sirius Black down, resulting in his death and life imprisonment for Sirius.

That was the day you had figured it out. Peter envied his friends a sickening amount, to the point that he was willing to have them killed so he could have as much power as them.

You broke down, not only had you lost James due to the dark lord, not only had you lost Sirius as he rot in Azkaban, you'd also lost the man you'd loved because of his envy.

Envy had swallowed him up, like dark, deep water with now bottom, until he had drown himself and those around him in it.


I'm sorry for not uploading in ages! And I'm sorry this chapter was so short!

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