James Potter: Golden Snitch part 2

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It had been just over a week since you'd finished James and yours relationship

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It had been just over a week since you'd finished James and yours relationship. You hoped it would get easier but it hadn't, even though you had the Marauders around you, it was still heart breaking to not have James by your side.

"Good morning," Sirius said as you walked into the common room, you'd been skipping breakfast lately, you tried skipping dinner but Sirius made you go.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asked, you frowned. "It's Saturday." He added as if that would make you understand.

"You shouldn't stay in this weekend," he said making you sigh. "Sirius why are you here?" He thought for a moment. "Because you take bloody ages to get ready." You tried not to smile at him. "Why aren't you with James?" He turned serious. "Why aren't you with James?"

You frowned at him. "You know why," Sirius nodded, "he hurt you," this time you nodded. "But that doesn't explain why you're here?" Sirius smiled, "guess I just don't agree with what he did," you smiled before standing up.

"So where are we going?" You asked making Sirius smile. "Me, you and Remus are going to the Hog Heads inn tonight," you frowned at him.

"It's 9 o'clock?" You said confused as to why he was telling you to get ready. "Yeah but I'd like you to doll yourself up," you threw a pillow at him making him laugh before he threw one back at you.


It was evening time now, the majority of older students had all gotten ready and were heading out for a few drinks, the younger students returning after going to the sweet shop and you were currently sat in your room, waiting for Sirius to come get you.

There was a knock at the door, you sprung to your feet and headed to answer it, you were looking forward to going out tonight, last weekend you spent it alone in your room, munching on chocolate frogs, reading sad books and making yourself even more miserable.

You opened the door and saw Sirius stood there with Remus, they both looked very smart in their going out clothes, you couldn't help but wonder what life would of been like of you'd gone for one of them instead of James, would they have hurt you?

"You should totally get with Sirius!" You remembered Alice saying to you one day. "He's so up for it!" But you just couldn't imagine yourself with anyone other than James Potter.

"Ready?" Remus asked with a smile. You nodded and the three of you were off.

The Hogs Head Inn was the only decent bar around so it was always filled to the brim with pub goers and teens drinking some Dutch courage before making a move on some girl who would happily accept anyone's drunken kisses.

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