Remus Lupin: Hospital

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"I'm sorry- could you repeat that-" Remus said feeling his stomach drop

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"I'm sorry- could you repeat that-" Remus said feeling his stomach drop.
"It's terminal Mr Lupin, there's nothing we can do about it other than offer your wife some pain medication and counselling," the doctor said apologetically.

"Counselling? What the bloody hell will that rubbish do?" He yelled, the sudden surge of anger taking over his body making the doctor flinch back. "Remus- please," you said timidly. "No Y/N! It's bullshit! There's gotta be something they can do!" The doctor sighed.

"I wish there were but there really is nothing we can do at this point in time," Remus stood abruptly. "Then we'll find someone who can!" He snapped as he took hold of hand and pulled you out of the room.

"Bloody idiot he is- can't believe he calls himself a doctor!" Remus rambled on and on until you were in the car. "I'm not going to let this happen to you!" He said getting your attention.

"Not a lot you can do remus," you aid quietly. "Don't think like that!" He said grabbing your hand. "I will never give up- not until I've found a cure for this! There's got to be some sort of spell-" he continued to think allowed but you just sat in silence, watching him.

Your time with Remus was limited so you wanted to use it wisely and remember every detail possible about him because one day in the near future you'd leave him.

Many questions rang in your head that night, questions you wouldn't dare voice to remus because he would know you'd accepted what was coming.

When would you die? Was the first question. Would it be painful? Was another but the one question that repeated itself over and over again was what would happen to remus once you'd gone? Was he going to be okay? Was he going to re-marry?

Remus kissed you goodnight before he pulled you in as close as he possibly could because even though he wasn't showing it, he too was question how long he would he able to do this to you.

The answer to that question was 7 months because in 7 months time Remus would find himself at your funeral, your friends and family crying with one another as he stood there, looking worse than ever.

He would lose you, the one person he had left in this cruel, unforgiving world.

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