chapter 1

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Laxus's p.o.v

I was down town doing some shopping when I heard a girl yelling I walked down a ally way to see a girl with blonde hair and green eyes looking at me she was looking at a guys who was unconscious she looked sad for some reason " hi you ok blonde " I say " ... no ..." her voice was tired I saw her clothes were dirty I'm sure I can ask lucy first some clothes

Lucy. hey Laxus why are you texting  me

Me. Hi lucy meet me at your place in a few minutes I found something get Wendy over but keep the scary ones like erza and natsu and all the guys away just me you Wendy and this beat up girl I found

Lucy. Cya in a few

I put my phone away and picked her up i recognised her for a split second I carry her to lucys place a bolt of lighting touched her after that she started to talk

" thank you for charging my energy up my name is star-fire may I ask you what school do you go to " she asked me in such a gentle manner " mine is Laxus and I go to fairytail why " I raise a brown " I'm transferring to there and at least I'll have a friend there I'm also looking for my sister" she says I feel bad for her I take her to lucys she answers " erza what did you do to your hair " lucy said I put star down on her couch Wendy came in with her exceed Carla " he my who is she " Wendy said and looked at me and lucy I explain what happened and what she said to me " oh he poor thing you can come to school with us tomorrow if you want " Wendy said star came out in some of lucys clothes that she didn't want

" thank you for charging my energy up my name is star-fire may I ask you what school do you go to " she asked me in such a gentle manner " mine is Laxus and I go to fairytail why " I raise a brown " I'm transferring to there and at least I'll have...

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Star hugged me " I got a new ship " I heard lucy then star jump out lucys window " I'll be back trust me " was the last thing she said to me before she dissappeared out of sight I wonder where she went after a few hours there was still no sign so I went home my lightning charged her power and I got a sudden power up why it was only when she was in sight why is it her power I sensed uhh I got a headache I'm going to bed


I woke up to get sound of that pesky alarm clock of mine is smelt food gramps is up already he must be in a good mood I get up and dressed (normal clothes ) I couldent get that girl star out of my head why didn't she come back to lucys she called me earlier and asked if I'd seen her she would be with me if I did seriously she's like a ghost I shivered at the thought I came down stairs to see mavis ( she's his cousin in this so is lucy ) " hey Laxus is something bothering you your to quieter than usual girl trouble " she did a sly grin " you little -" gramps came in "NO FIGHTING AT THE TABLE YOU TWO " he yelled I grabbed some money for lunch and left for school zeref stared at me at the door " she in a evil mood " I warned before I left he walked with me " not happening last time I ended up tied to a tree " he said we both shivered mavis is Zerefs girlfriend and lucy is natsu's I feel sorry for the boys boys but they sometimes deserve it we reached school and everyone was waiting by the gate like normal until they turned up

----------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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