chapter 7

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Laxus's p.o.v

I watched star stand infront of her and protected her and took the full hit didn't even put up a shield the smoke cleared

I watched star stand infront of her and protected her and took the full hit didn't even put up a shield the smoke cleared

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II looked at her I saw her first I need to know her better this year I will do that starting now

Star's p.o.v

" BURNING LIGHT OF THE STARS " I yell my outfit changed its pretty "THAT MARK YOUR THE FIRST " Ivin wessed I looked at him I picked him up and started floating I flew over to the guards and gave them Ivin I flew down and carried flare over to polusica I went back down and held my hand put to Laxus " come on laci let's go back and watch the rest of the fights " I said as Laxus took my hand we got on the balcony and I came into my clothes that was now torn mira smiled evily at me and grabbed me by the collar and dragged me away " poor soul " I heard lucy " served her right she got away from mira last night but not today " erza said" I can't wait to see her next outfit " lucy sniggered I saw evergreen smile evily ate this is rigged they all knew about it dame it uhh I'm screwed as gave in

I stared at it on the rack " noway I'm not touching that thing " I say bluntly " but isn't it your favourite colour " she pouted I sighed and put it on she fangirled and dragged me back to the balcony after and stood me next to Laxus " hey~" I loo...

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I stared at it on the rack " noway I'm not touching that thing " I say bluntly " but isn't it your favourite colour " she pouted I sighed and put it on she fangirled and dragged me back to the balcony after and stood me next to Laxus " hey~" I looked at evergreen and everything went black

Laxus's p.o.v

" hey guys have you seen star I wanted to hang out with her today to get to know her better you guys seen her " I ask

Evergreens p.o.v

" no I haven't seen her since I did this " I looked onto Laxus's eyes freed took him to the other side of town and I took the stone star to the labrinth that moved I couldent help but forget the name I tied her in up in the exit witch was diffrent to last time I tied her up with help from bixlow he moved her arms above her head since he can move statues and posses them sorry star day two was over so we could do this for fun and the games allowed us to do this thing like it was I chuckled to my self and set her free "what the ... EVERGREEN ,BIXLOW ,FREED WHAT THE HELL IS THIS " she shouts " were doing a challenge for Laxus he's took a interest in you and that's rare he allowed know body to give him a nickname so we're testing his patience we also added a few pervert men in the equation all of them love blonde hair good luck " I click my fingers and free Laxus and me and freed grab bixlow and fly out the maze I smile evily " let the game begin " I shout Laxus heard me I think case her tryed to strike us down everything simple yet just flew and hid

Star's p.o.v

"HEY GET BACK HERE ...EVERGREEN " I yell it was hopeless I was left dangling there not able to use spells since there were anti magic ropes I'll kill the Legion so hey are extended " star can you hear me it's Warren Laxus would like to talk to you " I heard a man in my head " sure " I say in a happy voice "WHERE ARE YOU STAR COM'ON I WANNA HANG " he said can he see me and is he micktakeing " ye I'm hanging right now in a moving ball in the sky tied up with anti -magic ropes help this place is filled with perverts that like blond women help me cause what I'm wearing is a little revealing save me please " I whine I saw a lightning bolt getting closer to the maze yes he found me " well well look what we have here boys a blonde with a beautiful figure mind if I touch " a guy said I shivered "s-stay away from me you perverts " I say a lighting bolt hit the maze but still these guys found me "HELP " I yell a guy pulled out a black bandanna and tied it around my mouth i screamed and kicked him " h-hey boss I think we should leave her alone I've seen her with a buff guy from fairytail high look at her mark " he glared at the mark and looked at me evily " this will be more fun hand I thought " the said I shivered again jeez what a pervert

Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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