chapter 2

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Laxus's p.o.v

I was shocked to see sabertooth " what do you want " erza said it was minerav , sting and Rouge they where dragging something and stopping it from moving I felt spark around me show "l-laxus are you ok " lucy said " this only happened once and that's when -" I dart my head at what the were carrying it was a person sting fell to one knee as did Rouge " I got a one thing to say minerav a sentence I belive DRANE MAGIC OF THE PEOPLE I HATE " minerav fell to the ground and Rouge and sting passed out soon after so did minerav star stood there pulling the last rope off erza froze she did a sinister smile " titania I only have one thing to say I'M HOME " she hugged erza, erza started to cry jellal walked over to star and hugged her star smiled " your home sister " erza said tears of joy in her eyes "SISTER " all the others said in unison " so erza is your sister at least your not a dragneel " I say erza pulled her away form me " how do you know my twin sister " erza said in a scary voice " he saved me erzy and lucy and Wendy helped me " she say and gets up next thing I know I'm been hugged " laci " star said I stare at her " u-uhh are you trying to get fried by him nobody gives Laxus a nickname not even his group the thunder Legion " mavis warned I smile at her " hey star so how exactly do you know the kittens " I pointed at the sabers " don't get me started " she headbutt my chest I go a little pink mira fangirls " A NEW SHIP " freed sighed " freed calm your girlfriend " I say gramps came out I hid star behind me " Laxus have you seen our new student " he asked " nope not at all " I lie " ok if you find her give her , her schedule and locker number it's next to yours ok and you get first period off to show her round have a good day Laxus " he said " ok geyser " I say and take the stuff I turn around and see she's gone and been dragged away by the girls " ahhh noo leave me be le'me go " she says and gets out there grip and darts at me erza smiles freed drags mira away I give her the stuff she was given she got her bag and shoved it in she was shaking the others drifted there sperateways but I kept feeling like I was been watched

Mavis's thoughts

We've all been following Laxus and the new girl around and watching them but I think he's on to us

Back to laxus's p.o.v

We finally finished the school tour and it took all morning it's now lunch star got all her stuff and put it in her locker we raced each other to the lunch room she got a burger and a soda I got a pasta and a water we sat with the others I noticed she was quiet when she was near erza " erza can I ask you a question " Wendy spoke up " yes what is it Wendy " she replied " how come you and jellal never spoke of your star ever we thought you where an only child " Wendy pushed it " because we all grew up in the tower of heaven it was a group of terrorists we all ended up there as kids me erzy jellal Simon sho millianna and wally was all in the same cell with grandpa he was a teacher at fairytail high erza found put she had magic we evacuated the island prisoners onto boats I knocked erza and jellal out and put them on a boat I discovered I have magic and used it to save the others by sending them far out to sea but you could only do this on shore so I stayed behind in order to save everyone else for many years I was torches ed and played with until a couple of years ago when I escaped my cell and I didn't escape they caught me and sold me to sabertooth's minerav Orlando I was touched and played with until I got out yesterday and met Laxus he's the first person who's been nice to me in years so now you know erzy never spoke of me cause it brought her and jellal pain " she spoke so fondly of jellal and erza they were both crying so was star she was tourched all them years and she says it like it was nothing I felt pain in her story she smiled and hugged my arm

----------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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