chapter 9

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Stars p.o.v

" ZIRCONUS WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT PICKING ON MY KIND PUT THE NICE LADY DOWN PLEASE "  I yell he looked over at me and put lucy down and snagged me of the ground "STAR NO " I heard Laxus and the Legion yell " human why do you yell like the person I know from my time tell me or I will kill you " he said " if you eat me I will tell me from the past to kick you into the stars that guide you for it " I snap " so you are the human that saved our kind and the person who knew aclilo-" I hit him " shh zirconus " I whisper yell " they don't know about that yet and the hopefully never will now sit still and wait to go home and talk to the nice princess and wait where's lucy I never saw you put her down " I yell I saw happy was gone too " he chased after the flying lucy " mira said I shake my head I get put down by zirconus and he starts to talk to the Princess all of a sudden he turns on me and snatches me up again I saw he had that look in his eye " I'm hungry and you can regenerate yummy " he said I glew bright as I was about to be eaten then I open my eyes it was a dream I saw zirconus arm flying at me I jump up " NIGHT DRAGON
ROAR" me Laxus and Wendy all yelled at the same time to create a triple unison raide and blasted zirconus " GET OUT THE WAY " I heard natsu I look up to the sky "STAR SHIELD " I covered everybody that was on the ground but the blast sent me flying and sadly only me I got sent into a outer castles walls I groan "ow that hurt " I say as bixlow and freed pull me out of the wall Laxus and Wendy rushed over me and Laxus grew closer with each day that past " are you ok star " he asked " yeah I'm fine thanks " I say I got up and cracked almost every bone in my body as I did "EWW THAT WAS GROSS " ever hissed at me since I cracked my back we won " did any of you see the dream were I was about to be eaten it felt so real " I say they all nodded " yeah it was scary " Wendy said I smiled and starched " Wendy can you heal me I think I'm going to fai-" my world went dark

Laxus's p.o.v

" STAR " freed luckily caught her in time "geez she's exhausted " bixlow said evergreen took her " I refuse for you guys to just man handle her like that ... by the way Laxus will we be getting a new member of the Legion " she say wiggling her eyebrows " I want to get to know her better and I want her to get to know you guys better but eventually yes I hope so " I say trying to stop my face from heating up " jeez she is so light " ever said and gave her to me " she's your friend you carry her me and bixlow and freed are going to see el- mira lisanna and her brother bye " her she went a deep shade of red as the Legion left me and Wendy to take care of star " I also noticed that lucy was back now " hey lucy enjoy your flight " I say my voice laser full of sarcasm she hit me and walked over to natsu and Wendy followed her I look at star and see her open her eyes " good at keystone your not dead " I say sighing

Star's p.o.v

" I'm fine now jeez and I see that Wendy healed me cool I need to change these clothes are ripped and that armour mira gave me is still been repaired after the earlier I'll be back in a sec " I say and walk away and over mira and the Legion " mira can I have a change of clothes please I know you carry me some round " I say shyly " on one condition " she said she had that ' you will regret it look ' in her eye " that is " I say with a try anything I'll kill you look in my eye " I pick your outfit for the grand ball " she had a your done for look "f-fine just gi'me some not almost fully ripped clothes " I hiss she dragged me away " ok " she said as she dragged me away

----------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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