chapter 4

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Stars p.o.v

Ok we made it through the elimination round barely and first up is a is me and laci vs sabertooth sting  and Rouge joy we was on our way when the king walked over two me " sorry child " then everything went black

Laxus's p.o.v

I walked out onto the arena and looked up at the balcony star wasn't there our match is starting I hope she's "ok kabo the king ordered a special first round to get people riled up its fairy's vs tigers but only one fairy since the king added a twist the lone fairy has to save it's team mate " mato said I saw star in a weird outfit they gave her to the sabers WHAT  I calmed myself down I looked at her outfit it was cuite

I walked out onto the arena and looked up at the balcony star wasn't there our match is starting I hope she's "ok kabo the king ordered a special first round to get people riled up its fairy's vs tigers but only one fairy since the king added a tw...

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I saw her mark was showing I smiled at that " you have 1 hour BEGIN " mato shouted sting charged at me I hit Rouge with lightning he was holding star " you missed " sting laughed "did I " I had a sly grin stars eyes shot open and she had dissappeared so had Rouge they reappeared "STAR SHINE "  she yelled a bright light came from her hand blinding Rouge and sting

Star's p.o.v

I land on my feet laci hugged me " I was worried " he said I smile " you little light dragon roar " he yelled laci pushed me behind him "lightning dragon roar " there roars hit and caused an explosion "STAR SHIELD " I  covered me and laci from the explosion " time to finish this " Rouge said " light shadow dragon ROAR " they yell in unison " SHOOTING STAR " I yell as stars shields there attacks they shield us from the full blast of the attack " come on laci lend me some bolts " I ask he raps his hands around my waist we stood there both eyes closed I was giveing him a magic boast so he gave me more sparks the more powerful the sparks the more powerful the spell " looks like there concentrating there energy on each other mato this is going to be a big spell she is giveing of massive amounts of energy and he's useing a lot of energy mato " kabo said we open our eyes "OH STAR OF THE STARRY HEAVENS HELP ME DEFEAT HI IS ENEMY BEFORE ME AND TURN MY FEARS ONTO BRAVERY IN A GRAND SPELL " I chant " I've never heard this spell before kabo " mato said " never have I is this a new type of magic or a lost magic " kabo said " dude were in trouble " sting said " I know brace for impact this is a powerful spell " Rouge answered "STARRY RAIN " I yell stars appear around us vissable to the eye it hit sting and Rouge full on "STAR SHIELD " I yell and cover us both the dust clears stung and Rouge were barely standing " MAGIC DRANE " I yell sting and Rouge fell unconsius but they were fully healed but just unconscious I felt bad for them " THE WINNERS ARE FAIRYTAIL HIGHS LAXUS AND STAR-FIRE " mato yelled the crowd burst into cheers me and laci hugged " WE WON " I yell " yeah we did and we did it together " laci said I smiled " I'm going to go change see you in a few " I say and run off to the change in room I get changed quick

I land on my feet laci hugged me " I was worried " he said I smile " you little light dragon roar " he yelled laci pushed me behind him "lightning dragon roar " there roars hit and caused an explosion "STAR SHIELD " I  covered me and laci from the...

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I ran back and stood next to laci for the rest of the day we even guessed who was going to win fairytail it going to win this and become the best school and guild again in history because we all belive in each other and our self's

Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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