chapter 3

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Stars p.o.v

Laci had a tear runic down his face " there's no need to cry laci I'm fine now " I comfort him he hugs me " I-I feel sorry for you I feel your pain of having a abusive child hood but mine is nowhere near as bad as yours you was tourched by terrorists and then by our enemy sabertooth come on I need to ask gramps a favor star you wanna come " he asked nicely I didn't want to be lonely even tho I got erzy back when I look at them I just see there pain in there eyes Laxus has joy in his eyes I wanna stay with him he's my very first friend so I'll go with him on every adventure he has he's my best friend we were walking down the hall way Laxus knocked on the door we walked in to see and old man sat on the chair " laci what's with the old geyser " I said aloud the geyser stared at me " Laxus who is this " he said abit angry " the new girl I was wondering if she could have the fairytail mark " he asked fine what colour and where " the geyser asked Laxus took the stamp " black and mira will do it  " I say mira and I went into another room and she gave me a mark like Laci's she stamped and left I came out and  the geyser stared at me " is there something one my face old geyser " I say he glares at me again " well I know you two will get a long just fine " he said as we left " geez what's his problem " I say laci chuckles at me "he's a perv and sadley mavis ,lucy and mines grandfather so yeah just ignore him anyway we've got a free period wanna sit and talk " he asked " sure " we walked down the corridor and outside we sat under the gaint tree in the square in the middle of magnolia park " the games are come it up were short of a team they have to have pairs I wondered if you'd like to join me in a team all the others are doing it all you have to do is say yes BT if you don't want to i-" " yes I'd love to " I smile at him we started walking to his house he was moving into a two bedroomed apartment he owned the two top floors so I guess it's a pent house below it is lucys and across from lucys apartment is mavis's I walked into the smaller room and painted a symbol on it in red 🔯 " you feeling ok what's with the symbol " laci came into the room I snapped out of it " natsu ?!?" I question looking at the symbol laci put his hand on ym shoulder " your a god too so is natsu , juvia , Wendy, gajeel erzy and mira " I say he looked shocked " what gods are they " laci looked confused I told him them all
-natsu = sun god / fire god
- Laxus = lightning god
-Wendy = sky godess
-juvia = water godess
- gajeel = steel god
- erza = warrior godess
- mira = she demon / transformation goddess

After explaining we finished decorating our rooms I fell asleep in my room super quick


I normally wake up early i get ready and into my normal clothes I go downstairs and get breakfast ready I bake some bacon eyes and pancakes and put them on a tray with orange juice in a jug and a glass next to it i knock on laci's door " come in " I heard a groggy voice I open the door with my foot and walk in with the tray I open the curtains and set the food next to him " geez what's all this " he looked at me I clicked " sorry it's a habit I used to make minerav breakfast all the time sorry laci I guess I over did it huh " I said scratching the back of my neck " here take some of it there are two plates here and one is for a glass go grab a fork and knife " he chuckles for the rest of the morning we chat and eat breakfast I clean the pots and put them away we left for school after laci was ready we soon left for crocus with our suitcases ready for the grand magic games to see which high school / guild is the best once you are no longer a student you can go on jobs there it is what the council call guilds we finally arrived I  crocus we all went straight to our hotel and after we left to the arena for the first day

Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now. Leave a comment and a vote bye guys.

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