In the air.

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I crouched down on the metal, then held my hand out as far as I could.

Ahead of me, I saw everyone else latch onto one another so I could pull them all up at once.

"Josh, give me you're hand!" I exclaimed as I reached my hand out further.

Closer and closer our fingers got, I was getting closer to pulling them up onto the ramp.

Once our hands were touching, I locked my hands grasp onto his.
                   I then pulled Josh up along with the others as if I was fishing.

Once Josh crawled up to the metal, he thanked me "Thanks, Ash."
"No prob." I detached my Assault rifle from my back.

Opposite from the ramp, there was about 11 miniature bombs that I really would've underestimated for its strength.

"Ash, Tyler and I will handle the bomb. You and Josh go neutralize the pilots, and from there, George will fly it." Scott put his hand on my shoulder.

"Right." I nodded back to Scott.

The cabin was at least 27 feet long, and 10 feet long in width.

I crept up the cabin with Joshua by my side, and we slowly made our way to the cockpit door.

I was going to strangle the main pilot by holding my fun up to his or her neck, while Joshua, being the straight up military savage he is, he was going to stab the other pilot in the top of the head like the bloodthirsty psycho-maniac he is.

Once I opened the door, I saw two seats.
The left seat was the main pilot, and the right was the co-pilot.

I gave a hand signal to Joshua saying "You get the right, I'll get the left."
He nodded in agreement as he crept behind the right seat.

Little did the two pilots know, they would be slaughtered in a matter of seconds.

At the same time, Joshua pulled out his knife, then jabbed it in the co-pilots head, and I pulled out my Assault rifle, and held it up to the main pilots neck tightly, and began to suffocate the pilot.

As I began choking the pilot, the pilot gagged.

Once I was done strangling the pilot, I tossed the pilot out the cockpit, along with the co-pilot.

George then rushed in the cockpit, then began to pilot it with Kathy being the co-pilot.

Once I went back into the cabin, to find that Scott and Tyler were still working on the bombs.
"Which bomb are you guys on?" Joshua asked as he walked out the cockpit with his arms crossed in a neutral manner.
"We're on the third one." Tyler informed us as he continued to fiddle with wires.

How did they even fit these bombs in here? These bombs are only like five tons, and the ship can carry it?! Jeez. So this ship is carrying 55 pounds of death! How?!

"Cap, I don't think we'll have enough time to defuse all them! The bombs only have two minutes to blow!" Kate whined.

What if....

"George, can you get us to the ocean in under two minutes?" I ask.
"No can do. We're already over Santalune!" George shouts from the cockpit.


"Get us to the nearest shoreline!" I order.

"The nearest shoreline is over at Vanville! I can't get there in time!" George argues.
"That's an order! If we don't do something, we're all gonna die!" I order as I grit my teeth.

"Yes sir!" George finally complies as the plane makes a sharp right towards Vanville.

We have to get there in under two minutes... We just have to!

Survival for home. Part four!Where stories live. Discover now