Chapter 1

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We were in the Leaky Cauldron, my sister Hermione and I.
Hermione was yelling at Ron for saying that her cat was a nuisance. I was getting really sick of their fights.
As I turned around, a giant sigh escaped my lips and my eyes rolled so far up I'm surprised they didn't roll into my head. I then looked up to see Harry and Emily which brought a smile to my face.
"Harry, Emily!" I shouted which caused Hermione and Ron to turn around from whatever they were doing. We all ran together into a group hug.
"I'm so glad you're here!" I said while hugging Emily. She is my best friend you know.
Ron grabbed the newspaper that he showed Hermione and I earlier off the table.
"Look, we went to Egypt!" He said, showing Harry and Emily the paper. As soon as they looked at the paper, Fred and George appeared out of nowhere and snatched it up.
"You've been showing this to everyone, Ron!" Said George while waving the wrinkly paper. Fred bent down to kiss Emily on the cheek.
"Good morning, love," he said. "I didn't know you got here."
I looked at them, wishing that was me and Ron instead. Then we all sat down at the table. Fred and George kept going on about Ron
showing the paper to everyone. I sighed thinking "This was going to be a long day."

Okay so that's my first chapter. I know it's kinda short but I'm getting there. :)

Ron Weasley x Reader (3rd Year)Where stories live. Discover now