Chapter 8

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     "Scabbers!" Ron yelled "He bit me!" Ron ran after Scabbers while (y/n), Hermione, Harry and Emily ran after Ron.

     "Scabbers!" Ron yelled again.

     "Wait a minute." Emily said while realizing where they were. "This is the Whomping Willow!"

     A dog randomly appeared and grabbed Ron by the leg. He screamed in pain while (y/n) ran after him. She grabbed for his arm, but dislocated her own when Ron was pulled away. (y/n) let go because her arm hurt so much.

     "Sorry Ron!" she yelled as he was drug away. (y/n) was still on the ground when the Willow threw its branch at her leg and basically chopped her leg off. She screeched in pain and Hermione went to help her when she was pushed away by another branch.

     Harry and Emily stood there, astounded by what had just happened before rescuing Hermione and (y/n). They made it into the tunnel safely and Emily ended up carrying (y/n) since she was the only one who actually could.

     When they got to the shrieking shack, they saw Ron sitting on a bed, trembling. Emily sat (y/n) down on the bed too not just so her and Ron could be together, but so (y/n) could take the weight off her leg.

     (Y/n) grimaced as she was set down and Ron looked even more worried.

     "What's wrong love?" he asked before seeing her leg all bloody and bruised. "Oh my gosh! (y/n) are you okay? Guys I don't think she's okay. We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey. She could die from this. Oh my gosh what if she is dying. Guys I think she's dying!" Ron panicked.

     "Ron, calm yourself!" Emily practically yelled.

     "Where's the dog?" Harry asked while looking around curiously.

     "He's not a dog!" Ron moaned through gritted teeth. "Harry it's a trap! He's an Animagus!"

     Harry turned around to see a filthy man with matted hair and dirty ripped up clothes. That man was Sirius Black.

     "I knew you would come here to help your friend. Your father would have done the same for me. Brave children, aren't you?" Sirius said while slowly walking over to Harry and Emily.

     "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" Hermione said fiercely.

     "There'll be only one murder here tonight," said Black with a creepy grin.

     "Why's that?" Harry asked while walking forward.

     "Didn't care of killing people last time, did you? Emily put in.

     "Didn't mind slaughtering all those muggles just to kill Pettigrew.....What's the matter, have you gone soft in Azkaban?" Harry added.

     "Harry and Emily!" Hermione screamed. "Shut it!"

     "HE KILLED OUR MUM AND DAD HERMIONE!" Emily yelled while Harry ran to Sirius and started choking him. He shoved him to the ground and put his wand at Black's throat.

     "Going to kill me, Harry?" Black whispered before breaking out into a maniacal laugh.

     Professor Lupin suddenly burst through the door and pointed his wand at Harry before yelling "Expelliarmus!" Harry's wand flew out of his hand and Lupin nodded for him to get off of Sirius.

     "Well, well Sirius. Looking a little ragged aren't we? Lupin said before helping Sirius up. Black smiled at him before giving him a rough hug.

     "I found him, I found him!" Sirius said, sounding like a little kid.

     "I know" Remus said.

     "Let's kill him!" Sirius spat.

     "NO!" (y/n) yelled. "I trusted you! And all this time, you've been his friend. He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!"

     Lupin turned to (y/n) and said "How long have you known?"

     "Since professor Snape set the essay!"

     "Well, well, well (y/n) you really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met."

     "Enough talk Remus come on let's kill him" Sirius yelled.

     "Wait!" Lupin said.

     "I did my waiting!" Sirius screamed back. "12 years of Azkaban!"

     Remus quickly turned his head to where Harry and Emily were standing and pulled out his wand.

     "Very well," he said, "kill him." Lupin handed his wand to Sirius and said "But wait one, more minute. Harry and Emily have the right to know why."

     "We know why" Emily said.

     "You betrayed our parents!" Harry said. "You're the reason they're dead."

     "No Harry it wasn't him. Someone did betray your parents but it was somebody who until quite recently I believed to be dead" Lupin spoke up.

     "Who was it then!" Emily yelled.

     "Peter Pettigrew!" Black shouted. "And he's in this room! Right now! Come out, come out Peter! Come out, come out and play!"

     "Expelliarmus!" Snape said as he entered the room. "Oh, vengeance is sweet. I hoped I would be the one to catch you."

     "Severus" Lupin said in a very hushed tone.

     "I told Dumbledore you helped an old friend into the castle and now, here's the proof." Snape said.

     "Brilliant Snape, once again put your keen, in penetrating mind to the task and as usual comes to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to do!" Sirius said like he was being rushed. Snape pointed his wand at Black's throat.

     "Give me a reason," he said. "I beg you."

     "Severus don't be a fool." Remus but in.

     "He can't help it he's had it by now."

     "Sirius be quiet." Lupin said, trying not to yell.

     "Be quiet yourself, Remus!"

     "Well if it isn't you two, quarreling like an old, married couple."

     "Why don't you run along and play with your old chemistry set!" Sirius said, causing Snape to push his wand closer.

     "I could do it, you know." Snape said. "But why deny the dementors. They're so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear, Sirius? The dementor's kiss, why I can't imagine what that must be like to endure. It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness but I'll do my best."

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