Chapter: Nine

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I walk into the football stadium parking lot with the number seventeen on my back. Alex's jersey is pulled loosely over my River Valley High School sweatshirt with a pair of dark jeans and my black boots. I wear his jersey with nervousness as I make my way through the throng of students migrating towards the bleachers. I keep my head down, trying to avoid everyone's stare.

I'm suddenly lifted off my feet and spun in the air. "Letty, you came!" Matty exclaims as he twirls me around in his arms, I relax when I hear his familiar voice. I giggle a little just as I hear all of the guys laughing from behind us. He sets me down on the ground carefully and I turn in his arms to see the guys making their way towards us. Alex and Connor are already in their gear while Luca, Noah and Matty are only half dressed. When Matty unwraps his arms from around me, Connor stares at the jersey I'm wearing while the other guys glance at Alex confused.

"So, you actually wore it. I have to admit, I'm kind of surprised you did, Scar." Alex says smiling and I laugh.

"Yeah, me too." I say and he grins. Matty spins me around to look at my outfit only noticing now that I'm wearing a football jersey. His eyes narrow and flicker between Alex and I. I look back at the guys to find them curiously looking at Alex. Connor's face is blank and he turns and walks towards the change rooms without a single word. I watch him walk away, wondering what's wrong with him. "I'm gonna go see if he's okay. If I'm not back before you guys play, good luck." I say smiling at all of them before running off towards Connor. "Hey, Connor! Wait up!" I shout as I reach him. He spins around and glances at me curiously.

"Scarlett, what are you doing?" He asks and I sigh.

"Well you just kind of left and didn't say why. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed upset with me or something." I say and he sighs before running a hand through his hair. He looks around him, at everything but me. When his gaze finally does settle back on me, I can see sadness and confusion in them.

"I don't know, Scarlett. I just... seeing you in his jersey brought back old feelings I had for you. It upset me to think that you moved on from me. I know I don't have the right to feel this way since we broke up a long time ago, but I just do. I realize that the way we left things wasn't really resolved and since then I've always felt like I was cheating on you if I was with another girl. I wish things had been different for us, and I'm sorry about everything that happened after your dad died. I don't know what I'm trying to say right now, to be honest but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've missed you Scarlett." He confesses and I step back in surprise.

It's not like I can lie and I say I don't feel the same way, because I somewhat kind of do. I just wish he didn't spring it on me like this. "Connor, I don't really know what to say. I just really want you to know that I'm sorry for how I handled things after my father's death. It's my fault you feel like this and I'm sorry things feel unresolved. Could we just stay friends for now?" I ask and he visibly winces when I use the word friend.

He nods and even though I can tell it wasn't the response he was hoping for, he smiles brightly at me. "For sure, anything for you. I just missed being able to talk to you. Do you still have the same cell number?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I do. You can text me whenever you need to talk." I say and his smile grows.

"Okay thanks and the same goes for you, you can text me any time when you need someone to talk to. I'm glad we settled this but I gotta go. The games about to start. I'll see you later, Scarlett." He says smiling as he starts to jog and I smile nodding before waving back. I turn and make my way up into the stands with a smile on my face.

"You guys literally played great! I haven't seen your team play that well in so long." I say excitedly as Alex pulls away from the crowded stadium. He turns to me after we've gotten onto the road and he smiles.

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