Chapter: Twenty-One

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"How do I look?" I ask Chloe as I stand in front of the mirror hanging on the back of our bedroom door. I spin around to face Chloe and her lips curl up into a massive smile. She squeals and nods her head enthusiastically.

"Scar, you look great!" She exclaims and I smile at her in thanks before looking down at my outfit, double checking that everything is okay. I have on a simple black long sleeve shirt with blue jeans and black open-toed high heels with a tan purse complementing the outfit. Once I'm satisfied with my appearance, I turn back to Chloe.

"Do you know where he's taking me tonight?" I ask and she sends me a grin.

"Of course, I know. I helped him get everything ready." She says and I laugh.

"Would you mind telling me where we're going?" I ask and she leans on one hip as she cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Scar if I was gonna tell you where Alex was taking you for your date, don't you think I would've told you already?" She says and I sigh nodding my head.

"Fine." I say as I shove my phone into my purse just as the doorbell rings downstairs. I shoot a nervous glance at Chloe but she smiles encouragingly at me. I smile back before making my way down the hallway. I stop outside of Ashley's room to peak in but her room is blanketed in darkness. I sigh before retreating down the stairs. I reach the bottom of the staircase and walk through the kitchen to find Chase at the door with his arms crossed as he talks to Alex who has a bouquet of flowers in his arms. I move back into the kitchen to hear what they're talking about without being spotted.

"Just promise you'll take care of her, and if I find out you hurt her in any way I'll be coming after you." Chase says in a hard tone. I hear Alex scoff and the sound of shuffling feet. Chase clears his throat. "I'm serious man, the girl has been through enough, she doesn't need guy problems thrown on top of all the other shit." Chase growls.

"I know Chase, Jesus. I'll always take care of Scar." He says in a soft voice and I decide to appear from behind the wall. I walk into the living room and both of them halt in their conversation as they see me for the first time. Alex's lips curl up into a grin and Chase smirks at me.

"That's what you're wearing, seriously?" Chase asks in a teasing voice and I elbow him in his stomach. He clutches his stomach with both hands as he bends over.

"Shut up, Chase." I say grinning and he smiles back at me once he's stood up again.

"Well I think you look beautiful." Alex says and I instantly feel my cheeks heat up. I smile nervously at him while Chase chuckles at me.

"Thanks Alex. Are you ready to go?" I ask and he nods smiling. He turns to leave before stopping suddenly causing me to slam into his back. I grimace but quickly replace it with a smile as he turns around. He glances down at me with such a beautiful smile it makes me falter in my step.

"These are for you." Alex says as he extends his hands with the bouquet of flowers. I glance at the flowers and a smile instantly spreads across my lips. He remembered. "Daffodils are still your favourite, right?" He asks with a nervous smile and I grin up at him nodding.

"Of course. I can't believe you remembered. Thank you." I say while taking them from him before giving them to Chase. "Would you mind putting these in a vase?" I ask grinning and Chase shakes his head laughing at me before nodding.

"I'll see you two later. Be safe!" Chase shouts after us as we go outside. Alex laughs as he shuts the front door before leading me to the car. He opens the passenger door for me and then helps me clip into the seat. He rushes to the other side of the car before hopping in and pealing out of the driveway.

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