Chapter: Twenty-Five

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"Ash, are you okay?" Chase asks when we pile into his car. Chloe is sitting rigid in the front seat and Chase is gazing concernedly at Ashley through the rear-view mirror. I glance at Ashley to find her staring vacantly at her hands. "Ash?" Chase prompts again and her head snaps up at us and I swear the expression I see on her face is even worse than a doe caught in headlights. Her eyes are big, wide, and innocent, glimmering as tears slowly trickle down her pale, colourless cheeks.

"Why did I do that?" She gasps and her hand flies out and clenches my hand in her own, while her other hand covers her mouth. She squeezes my hand so tight that I grimace in pain when I feel the soreness that's been there since I took my cast off. "Oh god, he's gonna kill me. I'm done, I'm so done." She whispers and Chase turns around in his seat as I release myself from Ashley's grip before pulling her into my arms.

"He won't touch you because he'll be behind bars and I won't ever let him get close enough to touch you when he gets out. Okay?" He growls and she nods. "Good. I can't believe he did that to you. I just don't underst- "Chase says and I glare at him.

"Chase, she doesn't need a reminder." I snap and his eyes widen before glancing at Ashley and shaking his head slightly.

"You're right. Sorry, Ash. Let's get you home." He says and she nods. He turns around before starting the car and speeding off out of the parking lot. The entire fifteen minutes home, Ashley shakes in my arms while constantly whispering regrets about telling everyone about what happened. I hold her tightly and run my fingers through her hair like I did when she was younger and was upset about getting into a fight with mom.

When we pull up at the ranch, my eyes widen at the unbelievable sight in front of us. Our parents have already pulled into the driveway but are fighting off reporters in the front yard. When our car pulls into the driveway, every single reporter turns their heads and swarms around our vehicle. A few of the reporters bang on the windows and there are cameras flashing everywhere. I look ahead to see Lynn quickly escorting my mom into the house as there are several reporters clustered around her.

Ashley sits up in her seat and pulls away from me. She glances around warily with wide worried eyes. Chase's knuckles turn white as he clenches the steering wheel with a furious grip. Chloe glares at a reporter, who is banging on her window, with a clenched jaw. Slowly, she unbuckles her seatbelt before placing her hand on the door handle. It seems almost that she's gaining composure but before she shoves her door open, I notice her face masked in fury. She jumps out of the car and slams the door shut. "Stay in the car Ash." I say before following suit.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Chloe shouts at the nearest reporter. "Did you not hear what these girls went through? Don't you think you should give some common curtesy and give them their personal space!" She spits out. The reporter seems taken aback but she moves in closer anyway.

"Did you already know before today that Ashley had been raped?" The lady asks and Chloe glares at her. I push reporters out of my way and ignore the blinding flash of camera lights. When I reach her, she's raising her arm almost as if she was about to slap the woman. I jump to catch her hand and pull her back.

"Chloe it's not worth it. It's fine. Just ignore her." I say and Chloe glares at the lady once more before nodding. I turn to get back in the car to get Ashley when the same reporter asks another question.

"Did Bruce Lance sexually assault you too?" She asks and my head snaps back in her direction. My mouth hangs open at the sheer audacity of this woman. She honestly has no boundaries. She takes a step closer. "and how could you not know that this man sexually assaulted your own sister?" She asks.

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