Emmett Till

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I've been thinking of making this book for a while & thought this should be my first chapter.

I would like for yall to read luxhoerious  chapter on Emmett has more details & info also has pictures of Emmett's open casket, if you want to see it.

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You know, I've been hearing about Emmet Till since I was like 5. But I never knew who he actually was, and I never knew how much of an impact he would put on my life.

I went to an public school in NE Portland, And if you are from Portland, it's the ghetto. But it's not even all that ghetto, it's just where most black people & hispanics, some asians, live.

So most of the elementary schools consisted of mainly colored kids, there was only like 3 white kids in my 3rd grade class. 

And what I've noticed is that you learn about more issues & historical events of black history in more colored or "ghetto" schools than in schools that have a lot of white people.

I'm in high school now, & I have yet to hear of Emmett Till.

The only thing I've heard so far  (btw we we're learning about child labor & stuff in Africa) about black people is this:

"Right now in places like Sudan, there are child slaves, more slaves than there ever was in America, don't get me wrong Slavery was bad here, but look what they're doing to themselves, that doesn't even compare to what happened here."

That's it. Had me livid.

But anyway I've been hearing of Emmett since I was in kindergarten. They never have us the details of course cause they were gruesome, but I didn't know that until I was in the 5th grade.

It's so weird, when I was in the third grade, my dad was listening to Ice Cube in the car & one of the lyrics had Emmett's name in it.

So I heard of him in Kindergarten when my teachers were talking, now I hear of a rapper rapping with Emmett's name so I had to ask my dad who he was, was he a civil rights leader? Motivational speaker?Who was he?

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So I heard of him in Kindergarten when my teachers were talking, now I hear of a rapper rapping with Emmett's name so I had to ask my dad who he was, was he a civil rights leader? Motivational speaker?Who was he?

My dad just told me I'll learn about him one day, but whatever you do don't look him up, you'll learn about him in school.

Me being a rebellious 8 year old at that time I looked him up anyway. I looked him up so I could be ahead of my class, I did that a lot.

I used my mom's computer to do it, she was at work.

When I looked him up I seen articles because back then Wikipedia wasn't used as much or didn't have enough information. So I read some articles, I didn't understand it at that time though.

But I saw his casket picture.

And I thought he was a mummy.

I was confused. I read he was killed by white people, but since I thought he was a mummy, I was confused on how they mummified him so quick. (Also in the third grade we were learning about King Tut.)

I forgot when I also encountered information about Emmett but I'm going to talk about now.

Why is it now that lying b*tch Carolyn is confessing she lied about Emmett's whistling at her.

Nobody would whistle at you. I seen pictures of you & your ugly who the f*ck is whistling at you??? 

Because of your ugly witch lookin' a**, a 14 year old boy was murdered in the worst way.

This description is kinda gory so here's a heads up.

They literally went to Emmett's house, dragged him out of it & put him in a pickup truck, beat him, gauged his eyeballs out, shot him in the head, & dumped his body in water, using a can blade as a weight to keep him under water.

I never knew how much of an impact this made on my life.

To learn about this with 2 black brothers brings tears in my eyes. I can't say I'm blessed to be born in the generation I'm in now, but my condolemoves to every black brother & sister who has lost a loved one due to lies like this.

My condolences to Emmett's Mother who had to bury her son, her son beaten, battered, & bruised, and get no justice for it.

Even if he did whistle at her, how does that justify what they did to him???? We know he didn't do anything to that ugly b*tch but if he did, how does that justify those ugly white demons, dragging him out of his house, taking his eyes from It's sockets, beating him mercilessly, & dumping his body in a body of water??? IT DOESNT.

He was 14!!! He had a whole life ahead of him & a 21 year old ugly rat b*tch got him murdered & mutilated, cause she lied.

And you know what she said???

"Doing things like that was a trend back then, I thought it was okay."


How can you say getting a 14 year old, 7 years your junior, murdered & his body mutilated was a trend??? HOW???

I never go on Facebook ever, but I did a couple days ago, had to I'm friend hella people bc they believe Trump will save amerikkka & that it won't be bad.

Mad because protesters are burning flags F*CK THE FLAG ION GIVE A F*CK ABOUT THAT SH*T

Amerikkka has always been ugly, but now it's uglier- actually no.

Amerikkka always been ugly & will always be ugly, just because amerikkka kept its ugliness under wraps bc of Obama doesnt mean it wasn't there. They just layed off a little bit but now it's on now.

That lady should be in jail how old would Emmett be today, happened in 1955 he was 14,  He'd be 75, so that old b*tch is 7 years older than him she's 82 AND STILL ALIVE she should be in jail.

And when his mother was alive she did an interview on what it was like seeing Emmett's body it gives you chills.

And she also said that Carolyn b*tch apology was "cold" basically saying it wasn't sincere. Which is the truth seeing that Carolyn was only sorry that it ruined HER OWN life. NOT Emmett's, NOT Mamie's (Emmett's mother), but HER OWN .

So with that being said I wish the best for Emmett's relatives , and him in the after life.

Carolyn can rot in hell & a jail cell.

F*CK racist F*CK WHITE SUPREMACY deuces.

Love you all stay safe.

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