Zayn+Other Celebs

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If you read my 1D imagines you would know I already ranted about Zayn, but I still have a lot on my chest so I'm ranting again.

Like I'm for real hurting. Yesterday I was angry but now like the real pain in my chest is here. I was crying like 3 seconds ago lmao.

Cause I've been on Twitter & some threads on Zayn really opened my eyes.

There was this thread about what had happened, and then the thing that happened with that Azealia Banks chick. She's not the best person and I really don't care for her but, in the thread when she was basically exposing Zayn because I guess he took her music video idea without giving her credit.

But keep in mind, before that happened remember when he "spoke" on police brutality & basically preached on how "All Lives Matter" & said he basically won't go into depth about police brutality because "he's also and immigrant who experiences inequalities" <---- that don't make no sense.

How you gonna say you won't speak on it because you're also a minority, that should be more of a reason to speak on it.
Like wtf Zayn really??
But anyway basically what people were saying on Twitter is that when that Azealia Banks thing happened he tweeted saying things like "my @ is too good for you" things along that. And they were saying how anti-black it sounds. He deleted those tweets by the way.

Like I don't know if he's anti-black but it looks like it 😐.

He also said to defend his reasoning on his answer is because "people call me a terrorist daily and no one says anything" or something like that. So because that happens to you that gives the okay for your girl to be racist towards others??? Wow.

And all this happened cause his ugly a** girlfriend. See, this is what happens when you get involved with mediocre, racist, white girls.

Like he really basically said after his whole rant "you're either gonna accept my ignorance or leave" (he said stop trying to educate me) Well, I LEFT.

All we did was ask how you felt knowing the girl you were dating was a racist, making fun of East Asian features & doing black face.

I can't believe I caped for this type of dude for the past 6 years of my life since I WAS 9/10 !!!

When I first started liking 1D I was in the 5th grade about to enter 6th. When people foundt out I liked "white boybands" they made fun of me saying things like "they don't like you" "they don't know you exist" and wow how right They were lol. "They don't like black girls" damn you was right.

No, taking pics with black fans don't mean sh*t. Just cause they went to Africa ONCE don't mean sh*t. It doesn't mean sh*t cause their actions are louder than word.

Seeing Zayn, someone who knows what its like to be a minority in a world we live in now, someone who I thought I could relate to, being that ignorant, is the biggest deal breaker for me.

Seeing Liam dating a woman who has a  history of abusing their significant other, spew racial slurs, is a deal breaker for me.

Seeing Louis, when he got high with Zayn, say the N word & not apologize for it, & when Zayn took all the blame for the whole blunt situation, & not even stick up for Zayn when everyone got mad at him (typical white people behavior, let the minority take the blame), is a deal breaker for me.

I don't have anything on Niall really, I mean he likes Obama (a black political figure) so much why isn't he speaking on things happening to black people & other minorities since he likes us so much.

Harry, what do I have for Harry- oh!
White feminist to the extreme. He's friends with Emma Watson who is the biggest white feminist. She rather speak on white girl problems & ignore problems happening to ALL women of ALL colors of ALL orientations and of ALL backgrounds.

Like I don't know Harry just seems like the type of person who thinks cause he tweets out one tweet of something, that it actually does something.


I'm no longer going to dedicate my time to people like these dudes ova chea!!

I'm tired.

I'm not wasting my Black Girl Magic on guys who wouldn't even use a breathe to speak on us.

Like it hurts so much to see the guys I looked up to, that I use to like live for, show us their real colors. It hurts so bad. I grew up on them, they were really the first band I actually wanted to get to know.

Like I know my love for them is dead cause I don't even get my fangirl chills I usually get when I read about them or hear songs they sing, or just seeing a picture or selfie on my timeline.

And before some of y'all say "I'm reaching" or whateva I just wanna say, what is it like to be blind? I'm for real curious. What's it like to have a blind eye to things in your face? Or have it written in Braille? But still refusing to feel it, or you feel it but don't care??

Damn I wish I could be you.

Actually, no, I wouldn't. I would never want to turn my back onto my community for some people who won't even pay attention to me. Or even give the slightest care for me. And blatantly show how much they care for me (they don't lmao)

Let me know how you feel about the whole situation of Zayn, of all the boys, or other celebs, but call me outta my name ONCE and we're fighting.

I love you all stay safe my lovelies. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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