Catching Fire

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Catching Fire is the second book in the Hunger Games series. I read the book and watched the movie and they were both good but some of the differences between the two were terrible.

In the book she is worried about the number of arrows she had. She would have to save them up for when she needed them. In the movie however she always magically has some.

Also when they are attacked by the fog they get these wounds. In the book when she is rubbing the wounds in the water it explains how this white liquid comes out. In the movie they just wash off like make-up. I know it'd be difficult to make that actually happen but it could have been a little better.

And the Mockingjay dress. I pictured it so pretty and covered in feathers. I pictured it full and amazing. Now I know this is my opinion but it didn't look quite right. It seemed to sleek and not big enough. Personally I think if it was bigger and more bird like it would've made a bigger statement. 

There was also so many details left out. The watch for example. You'll only know if you read the book. And it could've been so cool.

One of my pet peeves is when they don't explain the thoughts. Her thoughts made the book so good but they had almost none in the movie. To bad.

Remember please give suggestions.

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