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My first thought was about the factions.  I love Harry Potter so immediately I made this connection: the smart people that prize knowledge are in the blue group (Ravenclaw). And the kind and cheerful people are in the yellow group (Hufflepuff). And even though these colors only work for the movie, the courageous people that value bravery are wearing red (Gryffindor). See! If only there was a Slytherin! Well, Erudite is evil (spoiler) so it is in a way they are Slytherin, ya.

This girl also has so much luck. There is the part where Four or Tobias or whatever finds out she is Divergent. How lucky is it that he's also Divergent? Or that he was testing her? How about how her mom happened to be in Dauntless and is an expert at fighting? Or that Four/Tobias happened to be outside when she almost got dropped off that chasm thing.

How come Al tried to kill her? Didn't he love her? It couldn't just be jealousy that made him try to kill her. Did Peter make him? That confused me. When she asks Four (I think it's him) if forgiving Al wouldve prevented the suicide thing, he said "I dont know" or something along those lines. The answer was: OBVIOUSLY!

And then theres Insurgent and Allegient. (major spoilers ahead)

Ive gotta say I dont mind all the deaths of loved characters, I actually admire her for killing everyone she did. But ive gotta say that the timings were a little bit annoying. Marlene and Uriah? It could work, lets kill Marlene. Oo Lynn and Uriah? Bye Bye lynn. Hmm, lets kill Uriah for good measures. Will and Christina (in divergent oops), perfect! Actually no. See ya Will! Wait no! Tris kill him. Yes. Fernando and Christina? Na. Die Fernando. Tris and Tobias? Obviously! Well thats too perfect. Bye Tris! Anyone else see a pattern?

Another annoying little thing was who was divergent and not. In the end of insurgent Tori gets through the test that it seems only divergent should get through and we have that suspicion that she is divergent. But wait, she was controlled by the simulation from euridite. What? And then she dies before we find out. Also theres Uriah. Its proven he is divergent in insurgent, but then where was he during the simulation from the euridite? Man im confused about that.

That's it for now.

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