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Hiccup's P.O.V

This is Berk....It was like this you know...I was way happy back then when I was a kid, a happy toddler baby. Dad had take good care of me ever since, but he still doesn't understand how I really feel in My teen years now. Toothless, my Dad, and Gobber are my true friends to be with. The others on Berk aren't, they're just selfish people.

I don't usually wear short sleeve shirts, just long sleeves to cover my injuries I should say. But I'm just gonna feel the pain.

Having a a bagel and eggs for breakfast, my Mom died since I was an infant so my Dad did his best to take good care of me.

"Hey Bud"I said softly to my dog Toothless.

He licks my hand and went to his doggy bowl to eat breakfast. He's a funny dog, and has retractable teeth, it was very rare to do that, even the vet doctor was surprised too.

Look at this place, Berk High. Not ouch just a regular high school, there are jocks, nerds, popular girls, weird clubs, and Outcasts or wait Outcast which is Me.yes this is how I live my life, for now...

As I enter the school the only thing I get was men's and glare looks from other students well I don't care as long as I get in the safe zone.

"Hey look it's Fishbone!"Some Jock said and points out to me.

I sigh heavily, and walked away to the boys bathroom, it's where I find it quiet for me, in a stall where I can finally think, it's gross but oh well.

"Seriously Dude! She's so into me!"Snotlout comes in with his friend.

Good thing I was very quiet.

"Oh c'mon Scott she isn't, she's into me"His Friend declares.

"Oh really, well since I'm like sort of popular and got muscles your face"Snotlout laughs.

I waited for them to leave so I can get to class, by the time I got to class my homeroom, I'm actually an A student for some reason, so I do care about something it's a hobby. Not a particularly thing for a teen to care about it's just you really need when it comes.

My marks are great I guess, sometimes students asked me to do their homework since I'm acing classes. First top and second is Hofferson.

At least that interest me, a little competition how bout that.

Astrid's P.O.V

"Astrid he's checking you out! You guys need to date immediately!"Rachelle said but her nickname is Ruffnut.

Pretty much my friends have nicknames which is weird.

"For the last time, he's a jerk! He dated like 3 different girls okay, ain't gonna happen"I said, glaring at her.

"Okay okay gez, just saying"She mumbles.

"Besides he's not my type"I said to her.

"What's your type then?"She asks, recklessly.

"Someone that cares about one another and not just a guy for using you"I said.

"Not even Eret?"She said.

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