Photography & Life

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Life is like photography.

You can capture the beauty of life

Or capture things that hurt like knives.

You can change the filter as well,

But originals are even more swell.

Except in the world we have now,

You can edit too much so that originals soon become nothing.

How can you live with knowing that you took the beauty out of something?

Photoshopping may hold beauty still,

But what you made just became a copy.

This relates to life and people.

You can affect a person so much that they aren't who they are anymore.

They no longer look up to the people they adored,

Or love anybody including themselves forevermore.

Soon they'll become just like a negative picture,

One where they're alone

And cut off all of the mistresses and misters.

Don't affect others in a bad way,

You'll just be pushing both of yourselves away.

Open your eyes and see,

What did you do to thee?

How much distance was made

Because of how much you tried to change the person?

Whether by using them,

Bullying them

Or insulting them?

Did you just make a colored picture

Back into a negative?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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