When you tell him why and come back :3

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Requested by Miss ViviT3115 :3

Alright, so here's the story... So basically, a person had left a note in your locker threatening to hurt your boyfriend unless you left them. So you did. You didn't want to hurt him, and you knew that telling them would probably end up backfiring so you just left saying-"I need to move on," and left her m in the dust. Until you couldn't take it anymore... You came up to their house after school and confronted them, telling the truth...

Tamaki: He couldn't believe it. The one he had wanted to protect emotionally, was breaking down in front of his violet-blue eyes. He couldn't stand to see you in this state. Sobbing loudly on your knees, the memories of the dreadful pit that had formed in the stomach the day you had woken up knowing that you had to tell him that you couldn't stay with him. He couldn't bare it. He collapsed onto his knees in front of you, tears trickling down his face as he tilted your head to look up at him. Once you had gasped for air again, he quickly cupped your face in his hands, kissing you passionately. Like if he didn't kiss you now, he never would have been able to again. He buried his face into your hair/the top of your head, choking back his sobs. "Please, Y/n... Don't e-ver s-scare me like that aga-... Again..."

Kyoya: He just stared at you in shock. He had never known this, he had never even suspected this. He just assumed you were like all of the girls his sister had tried to set him up with. "Loving" his for his looks, or his place, maybe his wealth.  But you weren't... You had been threatened... He had been threatened... And you were ready to give up the happiness you had felt when you were around him for his protection. You looked down, choking back sobs to use your strained voice. "I-I'm going to le-ave now..." You said, turning around. As soon as you had turned around, Kyoya's hand tightly clasped around your wrist, pulling you close to him after turning you around.  "K-Kyoya...?" You mumbled, arms tightly being wrapped around your waist as you heard his soft whimpers emit from his mouth. He was in his knees as his face was buried into your stomach, as he had meant to hug you but had collapsed into tears before being able to. "N-never do th-at again! Y-you idiot!"

Mori: The total opposite of what he is usually. His eyes were wide in surprise and his mouth hung lightly agape at what you had just explained.  He was about to ask you to leave before you had blurted out the story as quick as possible. But what was the worst part about this, is that you could see tears glistening in Mori's eyes from the light in the kitchen of his mansion. You gritted your teeth, attempting not to let your tears fall as they began to parade in your eyes, but a parade needs a path.  He had been so pissed at you... He didn't know why you needed to leave! And now that he knew... He took back every word he had thought. "I-I'm so-sorry for not tel-ling you s-" You were cut off as arms wrapped around you tightly and a body lightly towered over you, making you fall back into the person's arms gently. "M-Mori?!" You yelled out in confusion. Then, a strained voice... Like as if the owner were crying, spoke... And with so much emotion. "It's Takashi."

Hunny:  Hunny was so confused... He had no idea what you were talking about...! But even so, his confusion turned into tears as he began to think it over more and more. He had been threatened... He had been threatened. He was in danger, and you had saved him. "W-wha-?!" Hunny stuttered, getting scared as everything began to click. You saved him by letting him go. You still loved him. And he still loved you. Tears began running down his round cheeks as he sniffed a few times. "S-so... You... L-let me go to sa-ve m-me?" You nodded, tears pouring from your eyes as you looked down emotionlessly. You had felt so broken and alone after you had been forced to leave him. You hated every second-no... Every millisecond just knowing that you were alone. Sobs began to echo throughout the room. First it was just one... Then it grew to a few more... Until Hunny broke. He ran over to you, calling your name. "Y/n-chan!" He yelled, running into your arms and making you crash onto the floor in a wet, teary hug. "I-I'm so sorry Y/n-chan!" He cried, hugging you tightly as Usa-chan was being squished in between you two. "P-please tell me next time that s-something like this happ-ens... I'm su-supposed to be the k-knight that sa-saves the Queen, and falls in l-love with her! A-and you're the queen!"

Hikaru: Shock overcame him. What the heck were you talking about? You had left him because you thought it was-"time" to go your separate ways, not because of some weird note you found in your locker! Wait... Or maybe it is...? You had never lied to him, not once in your life had you ever lied to a Hitachiin... Well... Except for when you left Hikaru... That was a lie to keep him safe.. Afterwards, he began to feel extremely sad. You had to go through this alone. You couldn't tell anyone. And he wasn't by your side during the whole thing... And then the last emotion he had experienced... Anger. Flaming hot, anger. Whoever this kid was threatened to hurt him, and threatened to hurt you by hurting him! How could he have been so stupid as to not know this sooner!? His expression grew grim, and you gasped as you felt him push you down onto the couch in the living room and hold you down. "Hikaru!? Wh-what the heck a-are you doings?!" You asked, blushing furiously and still a bit distorted from crying and then blushing a second later. "They didn't hurt you, did they?!" He yelled, rolling up your sleeves and looking your bruises along with slightly lifting up your shirt to check your stomach. "N-no..." You said quietly, sniffing afterwards. Hikaru then cupped your face in his hands and scanned your face for any injuries. He sighed of relief when he didn't find anything. "Good..." He mumbled. He then quickly yet passionately kissed you, hugging you afterwards. "We can get Kyoya's police force in this tomorrow... For now just stay here with me..."

Kaoru: He just stared at you in shock. Tears rolled down your face as you looked down, a look of what seemed to be guilt... Maybe grief...? Sadness? No... Isolated. You looked like you hadn't had a real conversation with anyone after you two had broken up. How could he tell...? He didn't really know... He just could see it. In the say you walked, carried yourself, talked... And most of all, how you reacted to eye contact. Whenever he tried to look into your eyes, you always looked away, or looked down at your shoes... That is always how he tells if you're sad, or something related to that. "Look at me, please..." You didn't budge. You knew he'd see how much it had broken you, and you didn't want that. "Look at me! Plea-se, y/n!" He yelled, his voice cracking as tears slowly began to pool in his eyes. You then looked up at him and let your emotions show through. You had began crying as soon as he asked you to look at him anyways. Tears slowly began to stream down his face like a river of thought as his eyes met yours. They were dull, and lifeless. Like the eyes of s doll. He hated this. He hated this so much. He hated it so much he didn't know what to do with himself other than collapsing into his knees and beginning to sob. He laid his back against the door, stretching his legs out slightly while covering his eyes with his hands. He had always wanted to protect you. Heck, he had always felt he had needed to protect you, physically and mentally. But there you were. Tears falling from your emotionless e/c eyes. He didn't know how to handle this... He didn't know if you could handle this... "Y/n..." He choked out. "Co-me here, p-please.." He held out his arms, shivering and shaking while he didn't even attempt to hold back his quiet sobs. Your lip quivered lightly and you nodded, falling into his embrace as you began to sob into his chest. He gently kissed you head as he took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. "Y-you're ok-ay, Y/n... I-it's all- o-okay.." He said quietly. From now on, he didn't care what he was doing or what he had to do. If you needed him, he would be there. If you wanted to tell him something, he would be there. If you needed to explode into a pile of tears, or rip a pillow into shreds, he'd be there doing it with you. He wanted to care for you. He wanted to protect you. And that's what he vowed to do. "It's okay... I-I love you, so much..."


~ Alex💚🇮🇪

If you find anything in any of my chapters offensive, don't hesitate to tell me, lovelies!

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