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Jihun's pov
I rolled out of bed and checked the time. OMG IT WAS FRICKING 7AM ON MONDAY MRONING! I wasn't supposed to be up for another 3 hours.

That's right I live sleep and am pretty scary when I am woken up before. I grumbled and decided to go to school. I am annoyed at Lay and Jackson and that's why I didn't text them. It made me angry why would they all of a sudden ignore me.

They text me again and I sighed as I looked at it.

Lay is bæ
Ji please talk to us what did we do?

Jackson is amaze
Ji... Ji... Ji please

Jihun is life
Guys just leave it am sorry but you annoyed me I'm going to school today as I don't have anything to do. I'll talk to you later or at school if you come.

I shut my phone of and went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I dragged myself into my bedroom and changed into my school outfit (outfit above ⬆)

I looked at myself in he mirror before walking to school. I realised that jimin and his btches would be there. I haven't really spoke to Jimin since the "incident" he seems sad and disappointed he doesn't try and get my attention like he used to.

I could see how much pain I was causing him, now he knows the pain he caused me. I arrived at school about 15 minutes later and walked to my 1st period. English. Oh yipee what joys I'm so excited.

I noticed Lay and Jackson sitting in there seats staring at me. The teacher just smiled and gestured me to sit down. Everyone was whispering about me and I could hear a few comments about my clothes. Smirking I took a seat.

Mr Jung's pov
Jihun, Lay and Jackson came back today and I just smiled. I was disappointed when I didn't see them after the test Lay and Jackson found out their scores however I haven't told Jihun. I was going to tell her brother I know he will be in the practice room at break time so I will go then.

Timw skip to break cause ya know nothing interesting happens
Still Mr Jung's pov

I finished teaching the lesson just as the bell rang. I dismissed everyone and told Jihun, Lay and Jackson they could stay in here and hang because they didn't know anyone. They thanked me and I went to the practice room.

I could hear fire playing and they were dancing like no tomorrow. As the song ended I walked in and clapped them.
" Well dome boys keep up the good work" they bowed and thanked me.
"Jimin I'm here to talk to you about your sister Jihun" he sighed and looked worried.
"What has she done this time Mr Jung?"
"Oh no nothing like that she is a genius" his mouth formed an O shape and his jaw nearly hit the floor.
"On her English test I gave her she scored the highest any pupil I have ever seen. She nearly got 100%" His mouth was even futher open now.

I struggled to keep my laughter in.
"I suggest you speak to her later and tell her the good news as she doesn't know yet." I walked out leaving the 7 boys amazed.

Jihun's pov
I turned and looked at Jackson and Lay.
"So I know your mad at me probably for not replying to you, but you annoyed me you have never done that before and frankly it hurt. My best friends ignore me. I started getting closer to Jimin, but I thought you wouldn't forgive me so I isolated myself from him. Please forgive me"

Lay looked at me like I just spoke Japenese while Jackson nodded understandingly.
"Ji why did you get close to Jimin he will only abandon you again when you most need him" he was sincere yet trying to keep his anger hidden.

"I don't want to hide from him anymore. To be honest I kinda miss having my brother. We used to be so close, he did leave me but it was for his dream." His anger was no longer contained and me and Jackson both knew that.


"FINE THEN DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SPEAKING TO ME EVER AGAIN! WE ARE OVER AS FRIENDS!" I was so angry at them. Lay smirked at me and just simply replied.

"Fine you go however you should find out the truth one day. You were only a bet. Right from the begining our friendship was a bet and we've been supoorting you and being nice because of the bet" I was shocked words couldn't even be proscessed anymore.

I managed to put on my moat spite voice and say
"Congrats you won" and with that I ran and ran not knowing where. I ran to the Practice room hoping Jimin would be in there. I really needed to see my brother. I just wanted someone to rant at.

All my friendships I ever knew were just demolished with one hit. I was so angry at myself for being weak and I promised myself I would put up barriers between everyone and only let them down to peolple i trust.

Turns out I can trust no one.... Is there anyone anymore? I am all alone.
I stopped infront of the practice room and thought about what Lay just said.

It was a bet. So I guess I was some weak person because I let my barriers down for them. I thought about whether I was alone before the answer hit me.

No I have never been alone, I've always had people trying to help me, but my barriers stopped me. OMG why did I have to be such a pabo.

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