A memorable day

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We sat for a little while exchanging memories. I learnt a lot from that conversation actually. He had a best friend once called Chris. He told me something very upsetting. He told me that when they were 20 they were both in a car crash. Luckily Alister survived however Chris died later that day in hospital. "I am so so sorry, Alister. I... I'm speechless. If I was to know that I would ever lose Caitlyn for good I would never be able to carry on. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I pulled him into a hug and buried my head into his shoulder. He broke the hug with 4 simple words, "We better get going." I looked up at him and met his gaze. "I can see the hurt in your eyes, Coi. Everything is going to be turn out fine. Just you wait." He said trying to reassure me but it wasn't working. I smiled and stood up. He followed my lead and we started walking home. We got about half way there and then my legs suddenly gave way. Startled and shocked he quickly picked me up and carried me. I couldn't be bothered refusing so I just rested my head on his chest and my thoughts returned back to Caitlyn. "Hey there, sleepy head." I heard. It was a soft voice which made me open my eyes warily. "Hey there, petal." I finally realised who it was I was talking to. A wide smile appeared across my face as I saw who was standing in front of me. Not only was it Alister. It was also the one and only Caitlyn. I screamed in disbelief at the sight that stood before me. "CAITLYN?" "Hey sunshine!" She replied as cheerful as ever. "Where have you been? I have been worried sick. Never do that to me again! I could seriously kill you but I just got you back so maybe another time." I stated filled with mixed emotions. "I'm so sorry, C. I don't know how I could have done that to you again." "You done it deliberately?" I looked up at her, confused. "Yeah. Well it's a long story so some other time, yeah?" I scanned her facial expressions and body language. What could she possibly be hiding this time? "No. Tell me." I forced her. She smiled. "What? What is it?" I asked annoyed as ever. "I've missed your stubbornness." I smiled and the tension pumping through my body softened. "I've missed you too, but tell me. I can't have you lying to me all of the time. I'm serious." "Well, my friend had to go back to Italy for family reasons but he didn't want to go alone so he called me and I agreed." I stared at her in disbelief. She left me. Petrified for some other 'friend.' I stood up and walked away. I needed air. I can't believe she left me for some other person. She followed not far behind me. "Coi, wait!" She urged. I turned around. "What's their name?" I replied at her 'urgency.' "Stephan." "What age is he?" "17." "Oh, okay. So, how come I have never heard of this Stephan?" "You have never heard of him because I met him in Italy." "Oh, really?" "Yes really!" She replied sounding annoyed. "I don't believe you." I started raising my voice. "You know what? Fine! Be like that! Maybe I should have just stayed over there in the first place." She screamed and then stormed out. I was taken aback. This has been by far the worst year of my life. Ever since I met Alister everything has been so surreal. It isn't even logical anymore. I wish I could just get away from here. From everything. Everyone. "Ughhhh!" I yelled and collapsed onto the floor in a heap. I'm done. I need out. I pulled myself up onto my feet and ran up the stairs. Alister had left in order to give me and Caitlyn some space. I grabbed everything from my wardrobe and stuffed them into my backpack. I sprinted down the stairs, slid my jacket on and stepped into my running shoes. The fresh air hit my face as I started to run. Well to be honest I started off at a jog but then I took off into a full on run. I ran until my heart was content. I love running. It's my medicine.7

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