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It was dark. I stayed still and waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark lighting. I silently stood up and creepy over to the sliding doors that led to the balcony. I stepped through the doors and peered out into the night. There was nothing there until suddenly I heard a howl. I caught sight of a majestic silhouette in the distant. I realized I hadn't even checked the time. I slipped my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the screen. It read '4:55.' When I returned my attention to the night the shadow was gone. I rested my elbows on the big shield of glass held together by a pole. It was there to protect you from falling. It made me feel safer because when I was only little I almost fell off of the edge of the balcony. Luckily my father had been there to save me. It was petrifying. I gazed out into the distance, admiring all of the lit up buildings. My mind was racing. Was that Alister? Could it have been? I knew what I had to do. I slid back into my room and threw on a simple but cute top and a pair of jeans. I pulled my shoes on and grabbed my backpack and slipped it over my shoulders. I headed out of the door and into the night. It was just me and the current of time. I walked as fast as I could to the main road and followed the path. I ended up at Enchanted. Weird, right? Totally unaccidentally. Yeah yeah? Shut up. Haha. Just kidding. I walked into the café and headed towards the counter. I was stopped in my tracks when a warm hand cupped over my shoulder. I swiped around in alarm and fell backwards. The person caught me and I returned to my feet rather ungraciously. I caught glimpse of who this person was and smiled from ear to ear. "Hey." He said. "Hi!" I replied in shock. "What are you doing here?" He asked sounding concerned considering it was 5am on a Saturday morning. "You know, getting coffee. That's why people come here, right?" "Well yeah." He replied a little confused. "So what are you doing here then?" "Um. I'm just. Well. I'm. You know." He replied a little stumped with what to say. "You're.....?" I urged. "Yeah so I gotta go." He turned around and walked out of the café. Yeah. I know. Just like that. Typical men. I ran out of the door after him. I ran in the direction I smelt him. I had really missed his scent. I guess it sounds weird but oh well. I had. I eventually saw him and ran even faster. I pounced on him without warning and tackled him to the ground, as you do. He riggled beneath me but I wasn't letting him go. Not this time. Not again. I lay on him and looked into his eyes. "Coi. What?" He asked in confusion. "You aren't leaving me. Not again." He smiled but then it faded. "What?" I asked puzzled. "Come." He replied abruptly. I obeyed his command and followed. He grabbed my hand and walked beside me protectively. "What is it?" I whispered scared to cause him to startle. "Just be quiet and follow my ever move." We walked past many shops and through many streets. It was getting brighter but the town was still clenched in darkness. I started getting really bored so as he pulled me through the streets I admired the mannequins beautifully dressed through the shop windows. I smiled as I pictured myself in one of the many glamorous dresses that I saw. Walking through big halls filled with many beautifully dressed women and handsome men (such as Alister). I was suddenly swept back to reality as we came to an abrupt stop. "W-what?" "Shhh....." He murmured under his breath just load enough for me to hear.

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