A new begining

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- Day Zero -

The year is 2020, where the light from the bright bitter mushroom clouds has fallen to nothing but a thick black smoke over the night sky. *radio crackling* my name is Edwards, I was named after my great grandfather who served his life in the love of war, he was a foot solider in WWII. I live in this fallout shelter with my fiancé Audrey , ha I wasn't expecting to get married underneath radioactive ash, wouldn't exactly call that romantic..

 *heavy breathing* I'm so pissed, the world would not have fallen into nuclear winter if it wasn't for our damned president and his decisions  for our nation

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*heavy breathing* I'm so pissed, the world would not have fallen into nuclear winter if it wasn't for our damned president and his decisions  for our nation. *huh* Oh well , it's nothing to get stressed about , I'm alive I guess , we have enough to survive at least 2 weeks.
Hopefully by then the nuclear fallout and the harsh radiation will have diminished by then, we can only pray that we won't get raided , then agin who could actually be alive out there , I'm lucky to be alive in the first place . And I'm lucky to be alive with fiancé ha, I guess I can't complain *gets up from seat and continues to walk around the room for a minute *
Just glad that the bombs have stopped dropping, I was getting tired of the constant shacking, it went on for atleast an hour, I'm afraid of what the out side world looks like , if there even is an out side world to look at.
I am lucky to have a half made indoor farm , it's works for the most part ..
It'll be okay because we have plenty of food rations and water , the water not as cold as I'm wanting it too but atleast I am one of the fortunate ones to actually have a good disposable of water .
We have plenty of supplies I guess we should probably start making a few thing before we exit our vault , I can probably make a few spears with what scraps i have laying around in the tool box , maybe not today though
It's been a long day , and very stressful if I do say so myself, I'm gonna lay down with Audrey , she's not feeling to well either sadly , well I guess I'll finish my first journal entree, goodnight all , don't let any of the radioactive bed buds bite.. cause you'll die of radiation poisoning overnight , yeah that's a nice thing to think about*cough* , that's all for today, Catch back with you all in the morning.
- Edwards

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