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- Day 3 -

I'm trying to understand why I can never sleep more than 5 hours at a time , and neither can Audrey , maybe it's just my constant stress that I could wake up to raiders surrounding me and Audrey.
Or just the fact that the shelter may not last forever and for whatever reason we could get bomb agin ..
Doubt it would happen, but still it's something I could worry about..
Well on a more positive note while I was sleeping for my daily 4 hours sleep schedule , I had a dream about a modification I could add to my spear design , since I am making the spear heads out of a circuit board maybe I could attach two of them to the end of a PBC pipe and and a couple cable and a battery to create a constant positive and negative charge so that I could not only hurt but also stun them enemy at the same time , it seems pretty smart to me so I might as well try.

So while I was scavenging through old parts trying to find a couple cables, I heard a loud nock and a thump at my vault door , witch caused me to almost piss my self and also made me drop everything and grab my gun In a state of fear
The what seems to be a man out side the door screamed from outside the door
"I am not here to harm you , I only come with resources , all I need is shelter , I am not poisoned I have a hasmat suit and other things I could give away in return for shelter, my air tank is running low and I don't how much longer I'll be out hear , please let me in!"

My first response was to act like as if I wasn't alive , but Audrey gave me the look of a worried mother , she seemed like this was actually a good idea in many ways , and knowing that Audrey is a better problem solver than me I decided to get ready to open the vault door , I told him to hold on while I prep to open the door.
I grabbed my gas mask and my shotgun and loaded it just in case this was all about to be brought down in hell.
I told Audrey to put on her gas mask just in case and to get in the safe room. I didn't want her hurt at all.
I closed the glass door and started to open the vault door and all   I saw was a tall man with a  bleached white hazmat suit on and a large red air tank and a few pouches surrounding him .

and I insisted that he get in as quickly as possible and shut the vault door , I locked it shut , I told him to get all of his stuff and put it in the water proof safe , he did this quickly , this guy really does need this shelter , I gave him a c...

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and I insisted that he get in as quickly as possible and shut the vault door , I locked it shut , I told him to get all of his stuff and put it in the water proof safe , he did this quickly , this guy really does need this shelter , I gave him a cleansing shower to make sure he wasn't contaminated he seemed to be clean and I was happy that he didn't lie.
Know all that mattered was getting him too explain him self to me and Audrey.

We all sat down with my shot gun still in hand , I'm starting to feel slightly better about this guy but I need to know more.
Tell us about your self:I said

Well we're to begin..
My name is Dylan
Dylan elvik Tyler , I was born April , 19 , 1992
I am 28 years old
I was working for a group called "the harvesters" there an organization that scavenged for basic materials and turned it into something useful and gave it to people in need , I was kicked out soon after the bombs dropped, I had shelter for 2 days , then I had to walk the plains of the earth my self , I've gathered a lot of info I could provide you with , I'm happy to show you the pictures I took out side , it's not as nice as you thought it would be , but here , take a look at these.
*gives Edwards the pictures*

*gives Edwards the pictures*

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Not the most interesting, but yes , just as you thought , the whole world is covered ina nuclear snowy ash , it's bad to be under, it's cold as all hell out side , and you don't want to be out with out proper equipment, that gas mask i have with t...

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Not the most interesting, but yes , just as you thought , the whole world is covered ina nuclear snowy ash , it's bad to be under, it's cold as all hell out side , and you don't want to be out with out proper equipment, that gas mask i have with tank lastest me one day and I don't have any extra, so we better be prepared once we leave this vault. I have a few things though.*gives edwards the bag to look through*
•flash light
•medical supplies
•water bottle
• 2 M.R.E's
•some random scrap metal
• duct tape
•plant seeds
•pack of cigarettes

I could use all this really, I think we all could : Edwards said to Dylan
Well it's yours if you let me stay here and join your party to help you both survive
Your choice

We decided to think about it over night, so for now we took Dylan's bag and weapons and placed it under lock down and set up a bed for Dylan , he's gonna be sleeping in the guest bedroom (or the storage room ) .
I have good feelings about him
But we can only pray from this point on, I lay down with Audrey and hold her close to me as we start going to bed
I shut my eyes to think about everything, this could be good for us
We can only hope


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