Stressful company

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- Day 4 -

I awoke with a blood curdling head ache from over thinking over the night because of Dylan, Audrey really hadn't sleep as well either. I'm sure Dylan didn't either , he probably thinks we might shoot him at any moment just by the way I treated him at the door. It's pretty common, I'm usually not a friendly male when it comes down to my fiancés safety ,
But besides the head ache , me and Audrey talk about it for a little while and we also talked with Dylan about it , about how me and Audrey are a "thing" so if he is gonna stay with us he's gonna have to deal with the awkwardness of being a third wheel the most of the time we are in here
But when we leave the vault we will all have to stick together, Dylan said "I don't really care what you to do , as long as I have shelter I'll go out and scavenge for you too or defend over night or cook or farm, I'm pretty much up for any task , all I need is this shelter"
After a long thought I gave Dylan a nod and so did Audrey , he's gonna be a part of the group.
Dylan was very pleased to hear that he'd also be getting his equipment back. But right after he did I told him he should help me and Audrey out and help us make some item before we head out of the vault , after getting the battery and duct tape from Dylan , I was able to finish my stun spear , Dylan and Audrey have started working on more armor and gas masks that function properly, and sense Dylan was a scavenger and did tell us his stories about the harvesters ,briefly I figured I'd give him a little back story about my self. I went threw his bag agin and picked up the pack of cigarettes and showed them to Dylan "yes?" He looked at me strangely.
"Dylan" I said softly
"These are something of high value out here I'm sure of it, after all , I did own a shop before the war broke out , cigarettes were a easy thing to get back then but know, this might be the only full pack of cigarettes you may ever find , and when we exit the vault and if we find anyone , we could sell this or trade this for a very much value. Trust me , I'm a trades men"
I explained to Dylan
I stood up, after Dylan calmly clapping at me after my little rant about selling thous cigarettes , no one really smoked so we all sort of don't care if we sell it off
Maybe I could get something really good out of it
Like a gun
Or a lot of food , I'm sure of it.
But sadly after trying to make more things all day , all things must come to an end , and the day has become cold so it's time to hit the hay agin , I put up Dylan's guns agin so that I could sleep straight tonight , Dylan trampled back to the storage room to go rest, poor  kid needs some sleep, but then agin who doesn't need sleep out here ha..
Yeah well
Guess I should try and shut my eyes my self.
Goodnight all


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