First rations

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- Day 1 -

I arose from my bed and gave out a loud yawn , I mean who was going to hear me anyways.
I got out of bed and woke Audrey up hoping she wouldn't be too cranky from lack of sleep, neither of us slept very well from the new transition to the bunker. Atleast neither of us needed to get up at 3 PM every morning for work.. that's a blessing. After taking a somewhat shower with a bar of soap and just a plain old bottle of water , I won't be able to do that every day , maybe every 5 days if I'm lucky , we need to conserve our resources.
I got ready into a pair of dark jeans and a white flannel , and I opened up what would be my first bunker meal , it was an M.R.E and it was already ready and it was what seemed to be
Watered down steak, my favorite , opened one up for Audrey as well and gave it to her as she was still laying in bed not wanting to get up do to lack of motivation.
We both ate and drank a bit of water for the day, I cracked open some wine I kept stored down hear for a couple years to bring our spirits up a bit, luckily we both are a found of aged white wine.
The M.R.E really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be , I hope the other ones aren't as bad ,
I'm sure they aren't.
I decided to open up a game of checkers after not doing anything for about an hour , maybe I can actually win this time
Audrey is a nerd for checkers , she's been teaching me how to get better over the years and what better time not learn than now , we played for an hour , I did win ... once after Audrey beat me 9 other times , I'm pretty she let me win that last round ,
She's got skills I got to say , she is definitely my fiancé , I'm glad I have her with me, it would be even more depressing if I didn't have her.
*deep exhale*
That's besides the point though I just need to understand that I'll be okay for these next two weeks, were safe we are in a concrete bunker and nothing is going to come threw that vault door, were prepared we have guns,ammo, weapons, food , water, anything you could ask for , speaking of weapons I should really start on thous spears soon , might as well try and make one before I head to bed.
I scavenged around for a couple of parts , I have a large PBC pipe and a piece of circuit board and I think if I cut it well enough it could make a pretty sharp object to stab with. I cut out a spear head out of the circuit board with my knife and then made a slit in the pipe and attached it carefully with some paracord I have laying around , well that's about all the energy I have for today, I'm gonna hopefully have a some what peaceful night of sleep with Audrey. I'll wright more in the morning

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