Radio Silences

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- Day 2  -

My tired eyes started to barely open as I head what seemed to be nothing but static from the radio it was very loud and some what concerning static though, so I arose from my sleep and got out of bed. Making sure Audrey didn't get woken up in the process , I started to tune the radio a little bit hoping to get a signal from it , I fiddled with for what seemed to be forever, but was only about 20mins.
I went back to lay down because well
I couldn't get the radio to work and I needed more sleep, maybe one day I can get the stupid thing to work *huh* one can only hope.
I lay back down and pull what's left of the blanket over me making sure that Audrey is still covered and warm for the rest of the night.
I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep
But then suddenly *Booooom*
"A large explosion rattled the shelter"
It awoke both me and Audrey
I'm tired of these stupid fucking bombs : I angrily said to my self as Audrey wrap her arms around me to calm me down.
I'm sorry I really shouldn't be acting this way : I said to Audrey
We live in a dark time of history and we're going to have to get used to it , it's going to take some time and it's going to be a very stressful process but we can do this
We have each other and that's all that matters:
Audrey kindly replies.

I lay back down with Audrey and think about what she said , she isn't wrong , she is right , I do need to just calm down , I think I might still have a few anxiety meds in the cabinet, I'll check in a little bit , I'm still really tired for no reason it's probably just lack of motivation
And just being lazy
We have to be productive though, I'll get an hours worth of sleep then I'll get to work on making a few more items after getting food for me and Audrey of course.
*closes eyes and falls asleep for hours*
I'm glad I was able to actually sleep for atleast *looks at clock* 2 hours ? Yeah , 2 hours , but know it's time to get to work.
I wake Audrey up so that she can start getting ready for the day , I open up a pack of raviolis and a piece of bread for the both of us , I just put them in the microwave that I have to power myself , by it's okay , if thats how I have to live well then that's how I'm gonna live.
I split the raviolis and a pier of bread each and put both on a paper plate   For me and Audrey to eat , we sit on our bed and see if I can find some internment, flipped through about 500 channels on the TV .. they were all static not to my surprise , however there was one , that I was pleased to say it was the cartoon channel , haven't seen lilo and stitch in years , I'm sure this channel will go out soon so might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
We enjoyed our meals and stayed around to watch the show while we where making
I continued to makes spears while I had Audrey craft some armor out of some old leather and a couple shirts and rivets I found laying around
She ended up getting a shoulder pad done and we also officially have 3 spears ready , keeps us occupied.
Hopefully we will be able to make more things by tomorrow or just before our supply of rations run out , I might crack open the wine agin tomorrow
Couldn't hurt anyone, we'll need to talk about it more when the sunrises
Well, I don't know that but , you get my point , anyways I'll write more about this hell of a living when I awaken
Goodnight all

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