(#2 | Morning Madness)

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It was early.
It was still pitch black outside and I knew that no one was awake.
It was 3 am.

I sat in the chair, placing my essentials on the table. Captain crunch and 2% milk.

As I stir the cereal, I contemplate on the dream I had.

Oh, the dream.
I don't usually have dreams. But when I do, it always means something. Dreams are my escape from my quiet reality.


I sit in the park bench, looking down at the pebbled gravel. I look up and see the beauty that surrounds me. Luscious green grass, sunshine that seeps through the shadow of the tree, and the open blue sky. This is just perfect.

A young man sits next to me.


"Oh hello"

There was a really deep connection going from this start of our conversation that we're having, I could feel it.

This man was quite attractive. With his dark chestnut brown hair that sweeps his face perfectly, gleaming brown eyes that shimmer in the sunlight, and his attractive smile that just captures me. This is perfect. He is perfect.

I stare at his beauty, trying to speak. But then I come to find out that my quiet being starts to come into the picture. Not again, Jenny.

We both look up at each other occasionally, scratch our heads, look the opposite way, and look back down. This went on for a decent amount of time.

"So... What's your name?"

"'Oh uh my name is Jenny"

"Nice to meet you, Jenny. I'm Luke. I can tell that you're shy."

"Oh... I am, kind of. Just a little bit."

"Well, I don't like girls who are shy. Do you know why? They are not fun. Not fun at all. I like girls who are spontaneous and who are very comfortable to be around. Shy girls are a waste of my time."

Scratch that, I just lost the connection.


I come to realize that my dream was sort of a nightmare. I hate being confronted about the things that I'm ashamed of.

Yes, I am shy. I have always been shy. It's hard for me to break that shell. I'm just not a social person. Especially being told by from this park-bench-hottie, Luke. I wish I was more social, but all my insecurities come into play when I do. I feel like people judge me for being a lame person when I'm shy. I've always wanted to be social, but I don't think I will ever be.

"Jenny. Why are you awake this early? Go back to sleep, darling. You know you have school tomorrow" she said in the politest was possible.

"Alright, Mom. Just let me finish my Captain Crunch"


This was the 7th time she woke up in the middle of the night.

I hope everything is okay with her. I know that things are tough because she's a teenager. She's revealing herself to the world. But she knows that I am always here for her.

I know that Jenny is a shy person but she has a beautiful personality. She's loving, caring, and patient. Everything I want in a daughter. She is beautiful inside and out, and I really do hope she knows that. Even though she struggles socially, if that person puts effort to pop her "shyness bubble", I know they will love her for who she really is... Jenny.

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