(#3 | Because of the Renaissance...)

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Oh how beautiful that time in history was.

Pale and Prim.

My admiration for different times in history are endless.

I really do love how each era in our world is so different to the next.

I wonder what era we are in now...

Are we overruled by technology?

Well our era was so much different from before, that's for sure.

Though in each era, there was many memorable people to remember.

To name a few, there was...

Florence Nightingale, Muhammad Ali, John Locke, Voltaire, Nelson & Winnie Mandela, Caesar Chavez, Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr...

From all these people we saw change in our society, by then providing us a new era of change.

I wonder if I will make a difference in this world.

I feel like I'm just gonna be "in the crowd". Just a normal person following what society says and does. Not being a rebel in this world. Not broadening my perspective on how I view this era. I don't want to be in the crowd.

But I never know if I can do it. I'm restricted by my sociality. It really sucks. It really does. I try to do all these things but my personality prevents me from doing these things that. ugh. When will I ever be normal and not shy.

"Okay class, we'll begin our next chapter on the art of Michael Angelo"


Jenny was very in depth with our lesson today.

This is the most I've seen her devoted to a chapter.

I'm really glad that she is liking the Renaissance.

Though, I have been noticing something different in Jenny's summaries recently.

I've been noticing that she finds great joy into inspirational people, but wants to be one herself.

She never wrote about it until a few weeks ago.

I take great joy into this, but I always feel sympathy for her not seeing this herself.

Jenny is an inspirational person.

She has always been and she will always be.

Jenny is a wonderful student in my class and a prime example of how a student should be.

She is bright in her own unique way and she is such a patient person.

We need more people in our society like that.

Though she is not the "Mother of the Nations" or an "Enlightenment Thinker"... she is just plain and simple, Jenny.

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