(#4 | Party)

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I love parties.

But I hate it, at the same time.

I'm always out of the picture.

Everyone was at the dining room and I'm in the living room... By myself.

I feel more comfortable here though, but I don't know...

I just don't wanna try to fit in.

My motivation is useless.

So I guess the living room is a good fit.

Anyway, at least I have some kind of company with me.. Gabe the Dachshund.

He's sweet.

And this couch I'm sitting on is quite comfortable. I'm starting to feel kind of sleepy though.

Side effects of sitting on a comfortable couch too long I guess.

Though I rather just go home and finish reading "Inseparable". I'm in the part where Sadie and Max are at the airport to go back home, but Sadie lives in Seattle and Max lives in Pennsylvania. They met through a mission trip to Africa. This part is so depressing... Why can't they be together? Ugh, I wonder what'll happen next. I'm a such a hopeless romantic, so my love for these kinds of books are outrageous.

Oh, Gabe just left.

I am officially alone now.


I saw Jenny from a distance.

She looked quite content with herself.

Though I wish she was here with us.

She would've made it that much better.

I called her over to come play with us, but she insisted that she was better off on the couch.

I can't force her to come.

But we all wanted her there.

I really didn't care if she wanted to join in the conversation or not.

As long as her presence was there, it would of made the game so much fun.

Jenny fits in with us perfectly.

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