Chapter 2 | The Days Grow Brighter

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Aphmau/Jessica POV

I feel pain all over.....ugh. I get to school and I meet KC and Katelyn.

"Hi Aphmau! How are you?"

"Great!!" I smile fakely, but on the inside I'm hurting. You can do this Jessica.

We walk inside, and I head to math with KC and Katelyn goes to ELA.

~Timeskip to LUNCH YAAS~

Katelyn and KC are fooling around. I "smile" every once in a while, and "giggle" a few times. Katelyn and KC are laughing so hard, when the brat of the school comes over. Ivy Venom Angelsycthe.

"Oh! Hey Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan! How are you?"

They ignore her.

"Hello?!?" She was already irritated.

"FINE! I'll show you how ugly Aphymoo is, then you'll hang out with ME!" She yells. Before I can react she pulls of my mask and my cloak. Everyone gasps. Boys stare. Other boys whistle. Girls look shocked. I grab my mask and cloak back and sit down. I put them back on. Ivy looks shocked. I'm not that I?

Ivy runs back to her posse, and the popular boys come over.

"Heeey~ cutie!" Laurence Shadow Zvahl flirts.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey~ Katelyn." Travis Demon Valkrum says seductively.

"Heeeeeeeey~ Kawaii~Chan." Dante Doublue flirts.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan slightly blush. I roll my eyes,but, of couse, no one can see. Laurence realized the Cassanova way wasn't working, so he stopped.

"So......hey! We want to sit with you three. Maybe we can be friends...?" Garroth Ro'meave squeaks.

"Why do you want to be here? You literally bullied me this morning."

"" Aaron stutters.

Wait. Stop right there. AARON'S here? As, in, Mr. Popular JerkFace? Greeeeeeeeaaat. Why did no one react to my scar..? OOH! Right! I put tmakeup on it just in case! Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan looked at me.

"Fiiiiine. You can sit here." I groaned. Katelyn and KC silently cheered. The boys took a seat. Ivy walked over. LEAVE ME ALOOONE PEOPLE! Ugh!!

"Hey Garr-bear! Why are you sitting with them?"

"Because we're friends now. Right guys?" They nodded.

"WHAT?!? Ugh I swear I'll......" She continued mumbling stuff, and stalked back to her table.


"What." I said, annoyed.

"Are we really friends?" Katelyn gave me puppy eyes, and Kawaii~Chan gave me a super cute kitty face.

".................UGH! FIIIIINE!!!!!" I sighed.

They talk for the rest of lunch. Girls glare jealously at us, but whatever. The guys aren't that bad....but the flirting!!! There are also so many places to make puns, but I don't think I could make one without crying.

Laurence tries to put his arm around my shoulder. I tense up, visibly wincing.

"Aph!! Are you okay?" Katelyn asks.

"Yeah! Why did Aphmau~Senpai wince at that?" Kawaii~Chan questioned.

"W-w-w-w-w-what a-are y-y-you t-talking about? I didn't wince!!! Heheheh...." I said. I would lie better, but UGH THE PAIN!!! They look at me concerned. I pull myself together.

"Pffffffft" I fake snickering. They look confused.

"I PRANKED YOU GUYS! I AM FINE!!" I say. They seem to buy it. Thank Irene! We continue. Wow. More friends so soon! Hm.... It seems like the days are growing brighter. Let's hope they stay that way. But with my luck, something's gonna happen. And I'm not going to like it.

Cover It With A Smile | A Skymau FFWhere stories live. Discover now