Chapter 4 | Confrontation

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Jessica POV

I explain to them what happened, my dad, my life, and they all are speechless.

"Jess..." Adam says softly.  I felt like I was gonna cry, they were all looking so sad.

Suddenly Adam hugeed me really tight. I was blushing so hard, and Shelby noticed. She smirked. I glared. She stopped. Adam let me go. Everyone else was still shocked.

"So that's me now..." I say.

"Well let's go then....I'm excited to finally be with you again Aphmoo!" Shubble says. Everyone else nods, smiles evident on their faces.

When we walk back to the school entrance, we get crowded again.

"You know her?"

"She's the loser you know."

But one voice suddenly sounds, and the other ones quiet. Ivy.

"What are guys as cute as you hanging around her?" She asks and sneers at me.

"She's our friend." Max says. They all nod and everyone gasps. We push our way out of the crowd and head inside. But we get interuppted by my new friends. Oops, I forgot about them....

"Aph? Who are these people? How do you know them?" Katelyn asks.

Ugh, I guess it's time for Confrontaion.

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