Chapter 5 | Mistakes

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Aphmau/Jessica POV

"'re people!" I said nervously, twiddling my thumbs.

"And..?" Laurence says. I think of an excuse and blurt out the first thing I think of.

"W-w-why should I tell you?! You BULLIED me until you saw my face!" My face went pale. Crap, what did I say?! 

I ran off, leaving my new friends gawking and looking sorrowful. Right behind me was the SkyArmy.

"Dangit guys! I screwed it up again! Now what?! They're gonna hate me now....UGH!!" I started ranting about my mistakes when someone cut in.

"It's okay Jess! After all, you just got caught up in the moment? Wanna skip school like we used to?" Shelby asked. I shook my head, then smiled, remembering all the fun times.

"I'm sorry guys...but my dad would probably kill me..or at least half kill me." I let out a sorrowful laugh.

"How did she die anyway...?" Ross spoke up.

"She...disappeared one night....and was found in a pond....dead." I sigh and they stare at me shocked.

"Suprised you aren't bawling!" Red says. I shrug.

"My emotions started to fade a I'm not as emotional." We have an awkward silence and then Barney speaks up.

"Well maybe after school you can see GOAT!" He says, trying to cheer everyone. A big, wide, genuine smile spread across my face, and a few quiet gasps were heard. 

"Actually, I'm suprised that you aren't popular!" Adam says, and we all laugh. I give an extra giggle, a real one. A few more gasps are heard and I look around suspiciously.

"Let's go...I have a feeling we're being watched." They nod and we run off, giggling and pushing each other.

~~Meanwhile (3rd Person)~~

"What...was that?"

"Why would her dad half kill her?"

"I don't know.."

"Is she keeping sercrets?"

"Wow, Aphmau~Senpai has never smiled like that with us!"

"I wonder if she's been faking it..."

Cover It With A Smile | A Skymau FFWhere stories live. Discover now