Chapter 3 | They're Here

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Jessica/Aphmau POV

I guess the guys aren't that bad...........but they'll never replace them. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan run up to me as I get to school.

"HEY GUESS WHAT?!?!" They yell. I wince at their volume.

"W-WHAT?!?!" I asked.

"WE HAVE SIX NEW STUDENTS COMING TODAY!!" Kawaii~Chan yells. Really? 

Suddenly sudents start crowding around the entrance. Must be the new students. I walk over, and I see Ivy talking to them-WAIT! Six ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!! I take out their farewell gifts to me.

"What are you doing my love?" Laurence asks. I ignore him and run towards the new students.

I push past Ivy and yell to them: "SKY MITHZAN PAL SHUBBLE RED BARNEY!!!!"

"APHMOO!!" They yell. Adam wraps me in a tight hug, and the others follow suit. Max seperates.

"JESS WHERE WERE YOU?!?!" He screams. I laugh loudly. Everyone else is gaping at this point.

"What? Are you a Mad Max? Or were you a Sad Max? Did you pay your tax to go to Pax? Are you a Glad Max now?" I say. He turns really red.

"MAD MAX MAD MAX!!!" The others yell. You can literally see smoke coming out of his ears. My other friends make their way to me.

"Aph, you know these guys?" Katelyn asks. I nod happily.

Then I remember my life now.

"Come on guys, we have a lot to catch up on." I say a bit gloomily. I then smile again and drag the guys and Shelby into the school, leaving EVERYONE else shocked.

Sorry! It's been awhile since I, Rory, updated! But here you go! What will "Aphmau's" New friends think of the SkyArmy? DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!

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