Chapter 3: Lilian/Rosalie

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I stare blankly at the stone wall, vaguely realizing that I should probably sleep. I have no true way of knowing how long we've been held prisoner, but I can't bring myself to care. Theo has tried countless times to force me to think positively, but I can't.

Dimitri confessed. He pushed Jason off the roof of that hotel, and now every time I close my eyes, all I can dream about is my brother's death. It's weird how, even though I wasn't there, I can still imagine how it played out.

Why did Jason have to be the hero? Why didn't he run? Why couldn't he have just saved himself instead of feudally trying to save Shemik?

"Lili?" I turn my head, coming face-to-face with none other than Theodore Granger. The eleven-year-old is looking at me with concern.

"What do you want, Theo?" I sound annoyed, although I don't feel it, "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"I just can't. You'll thank me later when you find out Dimitri is a worthless liar."

I sigh.

"Just tell me what you want this time."

"They brought the food in." Theo answers, "And Emilio is back."

I disregard the first half of his statement. Food isn't important to me right now. But Emilio. I was sure they were going to kill him, or at least take him someplace we would never see him again. Dimitri was the one who came for him, and though I tried to be positive, all I could imagine was the Russian boy killing another person I'm somewhat close to.

I look past Theo, glancing around the dimly-lit room and catching sight of the figure crumpled against the far wall.

"Is he-"

"Unconscious. I checked." Theo lays a hand on my shoulder, and I flinch, "Please, Lil. You have to have some confidence that we'll all be fine."

I stare at him, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

"D-Don't call me that. J-Jason was the only one who called me Lil."

Theo gives me a look, a frown crossing his face. I'm a year older, but right now I feel like the youngest one here.

"Lili," the British boy continues looking at me, "Jason wouldn't want you to give up, would he?"

I focus on the left lens of Theo's glasses, studying the crack that runs across it.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Theo presses, "You haven't slept in ages have you? And you never eat when they feed us. Looks to me like you've given up."

"Fine. Maybe I have." I look down at my hands, the knuckles still incredibly raw from the time I relentlessly punched the wall near me. Though I've never been able to feel physical pain, in the time I've been held prisoner it has been one of my wishes. I wasn't there for my brother the way I always swore I would be, and I deserve more than the emotional pain I'm feeling.

Theo continues looking at me, the pity evident in his gaze. I want to shout at him, to tell him to quit looking at me like that, but I can't. I don't have the energy to be angry with anyone right now.


"We need to find weapons. We won't have a chance without them."

I listen curiously as Brynn and Shemik continue speaking. Brynn is nodding, and I can't help noticing that she looks really scared.

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