Chapter 5: Shemik

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My head feels as though it is splitting, a result of my attempts to read this stranger's mind and to keep her from controlling mine. I force myself to ignore the pain as I follow Jason and Brynn to the small gray car.

The two of them climb into the backseat as I make my way to the passenger's side door, pulling it open in one motion and glaring at the woman still seated behind the wheel.

I can see Rose in the backseat, seemingly unconscious. I suddenly find myself furious, returning my gaze to the driver of the car and noticing her badge for the first time.

She is a member of the city patrol, and I instinctively know that she'll find any excuse to kill us.

I would like to believe that I'm a logical thinker, and that I don't often act on impulse, but today I can't help myself. My left hand moves before I fully comprehend the motion, my fist colliding with the stranger's jaw as she snarls a series of curses at me. My other hand moves down, reaching for the expensive-looking holophone resting between the two front seats. The driver's window is still rolled down, and in one quick movement I throw the small device through the opening.

There is no way I'm letting her have the chance to call for reinforcements of any kind.

She starts cursing again almost immediately, lunging for me and hitting the accelerator with her foot in the process.

"Do you know how much those cost, you impudent child?" I move away from her, pressing myself against my door as she slams her foot down on the brake pedal. She has let down her mental defenses, allowing me to see that the phone cost her nothing at all.

It amuses her that something that might cost an average person a fortune was free for her taking. She believes that, even though she has little to no money, she can get whatever she wants while wearing her city patrol badge.

I can feel my lip curling back in a snarl.

People like her are the worst kind.

She turns her gaze on me again, eyes narrowed as her fingers wrap themselves around my wrist.

"It doesn't have to be this way. You don't have to fight me, do you?" I clinch my teeth as her sickly-sweet voice enters my mind. This is followed by the overwhelming urge to stop what I'm doing, to stop fighting and to trust her.

I can't do that. Logically, I know that giving up most likely means death in this instance, but deep down I can't help wondering if continuing to fight is truly worth it.

I close my eyes. I can't trust her. She's dangerous, and I can't let her harm the others.

I pull my hand from her grip, punching her in the face for a second time. This time I succeed in breaking her nose, and she is momentarily preoccupied with wiping away some of the blood.

"I'll give you two choices." I try to keep my voice from shaking as I attempt a threat that I'm not sure I could follow through with, "You can get out now and forget you ever saw us, or I'll ... I'll-"

"Or Shemik'll kill you." Brynn shouts from the backseat, "I'm sure she wouldn't have to try very hard."

The woman smiles.

"Fine, if this is how you would like things to go..."

She throws herself at me, wrapping both hands around my neck in a vise-like grip before I have a chance to react. She's incredibly strong. I try to loosen her grip, but I'm no match for her. I vaguely register Jason's voice as the lack of oxygen begins to set in.

"Brynn, give me that."

"It's just a pack, I don't know-"

"Give it to me, there might be-"

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