Chapter 8: Jason

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Looking back at everything that happened in the span of the next few hours, I've decided I was stupid.

I was stupid to think that even after what I did, accidentally or not, to that city patrol lady, everything would still be okay. I was stupid to think that the woman dying because of me would be the worst thing I saw that day. I was stupid to hope, I was a total moron for expecting us all to make it out in one piece, still breathing.


I follow Shemik and Dimitri down more hallways than I can count, wondering in the back of my mind if he's just waiting for a chance to try and kill us both again. Does he feel guilty for that? Does he regret it? He must; no sane person can do something like that and not feel at least a little bad for it.

We're all walking with a knife in each hand, and I hope with every fiber of my being that I don't have to throw another one, don't have to hurt or kill someone else today.

I'm nine, kids my age aren't supposed to be murderers.

I focus on running, on keeping up with Shemik. I'm terrified of letting her out of my sight, because as long as I can see her I can know for sure she's fine.

Dimitri doesn't bother to look back at me, and a part of me is glad. I don't want to worry about looking him in the eye while trying to convince myself he won't betray me again. He and Shemik carry on a nearly continuous conversation, and I find myself listening in as we climb a few more stairs to get to the next floor.

"... The commander ... Taking her blood ... Trying to give himself her talent."

I shiver. I catch enough of what Dimitri is saying to know that wherever Lili is right now, she isn't in very good company.

I'm so lost in my thoughts, imagining my sister having her blood drained several different ways, that I don't realize at first that the others have stopped walking. I nearly run into Shemik, who is standing one or two paces behind Dimitri.

We're standing in front of one of many doors, and I realize with a start that my sister is probably behind this one.

I just hope we aren't too late to help her.

Dimitri lays a hand on the doorknob, turning to look at the two of us.

"One of you get her out of here." He sounds amazingly calm when he speaks, like he's a lot older than his thirteen years, "I will serve as the distraction."

Then he opens the door.

Shemik and I follow him inside, and it only takes a moment for me to recognize the place. It's the room from my vision this morning, the creepy-looking machines still pressed against the walls and the tray of vials and needles still resting near the table. Lili is sprawled across the table now, her eyes closed. There's a soldier standing over her, pulling a needle from her hand as I watch, unable to look away.

Dimitri throws a knife in the soldier's direction, and it sinks itself into the man's jacket. The officer turns, and a shiver runs down my spine at the look on his face. He's smiling as he pulls the blade from his shoulder. He takes in the three of us, giving Dimitri a murderous look.

"It was nice of you to join us, Orlov." he purrs, "You may find it difficult to cause me pain, though. It seems for the time being that I cannot feel a thing."

Dimitri glares back at the soldier, eying the knife he now holds with concern.

"How much did you take, Commander?"

The commander smirks.

"That is none of your concern, boy." he snaps, "I do not give information to traitors. A wise strategy, no?"

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